Anyone using LameB?

Posted by: DBALKUNJR

Anyone using LameB? - 23/09/2002 06:46

I would like to start using LameB to encode and Tag my MP3's.
Part of the setup includes adding a few lines of text to the autoexec.bat file in windows. I downloaded the requirements for Perl, but now I am lost? I try editting the autoexec.bat file but it won't let me edit it when I open it in DOS. If I am supposed to use Perl to edit it can some one tell me how to go about doing that. I am using Windows NT .

Alright I am an idiot, that was simple enough. Now question is how do I run this thing with the settings I want. I never used a command line program before.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Anyone using LameB? - 25/09/2002 06:04

I took a look at you LameB program, and I'm not really sure what it can do that EAC can't do by itself.
Posted by: DBALKUNJR

Re: Anyone using LameB? - 25/09/2002 11:50

What I like to do is use EAC and just rip the CD's to .WAV files. Then after I get done ripping 1 or 20 CD's I then use Razorlame right now as a frontend and encode overnight. This way I can Rip about 7-10 CD's in an hour. Then let them all encode overnight. But I believe that you can only have EAC or Razorlame create the MP3's to one directory. Then you still have to tag and place the MP3's into a file folder for artist\album. With LameB it is written in Perl and is a batch script that will take .WAV files and encode them using Lame. It also automatically tags them from the filename that gets assigned in EAC. Then it places them in folders and subfolders for Artist then by Album. It can be configured to place them in any order for the directory structure. I am just getting into this, but I already Reripped and Encoded over 200 CD's using EAC and Razorlame. That part was easy, the time consuming part comes in when you go to tag and put into a directory structure to make the MP3's easy to find. I had been using MP3TagStudio up until I found LameB. What the real advantage is the time saved in not having to tag and move all your files into different directories. Since I still have over 100 CD's to go this bat file is a real time saver.

If you are only going to be ripping and encoding one or two CD's a week it is not such a huge time savings.

I hope I answered your question. If not ask it again a different way!!!
Posted by: dcosta

Re: Anyone using LameB? - 25/09/2002 20:15

Uh,..... Fire up EAC and go to File | EAC Options | Directories
there, you can specify where to put the wavs that are ripped.

Then go to: File | EAC Options | Filename
to see the very robust file naming tools.

In the naming scheme box I put:
%A\%C\%A - %Y - %C - %N - %T

This makes a folder in the above specified directory named by "CD or track artist"
In that it makes a folder for "CD Title"
and in there I get all my wavs named Atrist - Year - Album - Track number - Song Title.wav

Then go to: File | EAC Options | Tools and check the box that is labled "On extraction, start external compressors qued in the background" and set it to "Use 1 simultaneous external compressor thread.

Also be sure to go to File | Compression Options | External Compression
to tell EAC where lame.exe is.

Once you've don all that,
You just fire in a bunch of CD's and after each wav has been sucessfully ripped, they macigally get compressed and tagged one by one into the above mentioned directory/filenaming structure.

Of course you might want to go through an make sure your tags came out OK.
I make it a habit just to go through and clean them up, if need be.
Posted by: DBALKUNJR

Re: Anyone using LameB? - 26/09/2002 04:55

In my disillusionment I think I missed that day in class. I didn't know that was possible in EAC. I am now better informed thank you.

Just one question to make sure it will do what I want it to do.
I like to be able to Rip a bunch of CD's at a time and then compress them overnight(It slows my computer down significantly if I rip and encode simultaneously so I opt not to do that and hence why I use Razorlame and LameB. But now you've got me thinking......Can you uncheck "On extraction, start external compressors qeued in the background" and then for the last CD I am going to Rip for the evening can I check "On extraction, start external compressors qued in the background" and have it start encoding the CD as it rips and then also encode the rest of the .WAV files in that directory overnight??? I will try this tonight. Thanks.
Posted by: dcosta

Re: Anyone using LameB? - 26/09/2002 05:01

You would uncheck "start external compressors in the background" ,and just rip the wavs.

Then when you're done ripping all but one CD go to Tools | Compress Wavs.
select all the wavs you want to compress. Now all of those are queued.
Then check off the "start external compressors in the background" box
and rip the last cd.
Posted by: BryanR

Re: Anyone using LameB? - 26/09/2002 05:58

The only problem is that if you do it that way it doesn't do the ID3 tags for you.
