Allowing duplicates while playing entire player

Posted by: bodybag

Allowing duplicates while playing entire player - 29/10/2002 10:09

I've looked around but can't seem to find a thread from a few days ago where someone mentioned a change for the config.ini file which would (or wouldn't?) remove duplicate songs when playing the entire player or multiple playlists together. If somebody could direct me to that thread or just post the config.ini modification here and explain how it works, it would be much appreciated. I'm trying to make it so my player won't attempt to remove references to duplicate FID's when playing the entire player or multiple playlists.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Allowing duplicates while playing entire player - 29/10/2002 10:11

It's in the FAQ here.
Posted by: bodybag

Re: Allowing duplicates while playing entire player - 29/10/2002 10:16

I'll check the FAQ, but I found the thread where it was mentioned as well. Gracias senior!

Edit: BTW, I thought that what I was asking for was a customization that wouldn't be covered in the FAQ, so I didn't bother to look. Just proves how in depth the FAQ is. I'll remember this next time before I ask.