The picture that got me to buy my first empeg

Posted by: mrfixit

The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 20:48

I just thought I would post this. I was looking at an old stereo mag. when I saw this pic.
When I saw this pic I went on the net to find one and found that they were no loger being made (at the time it was an old mag.) so I went directly to ebay if it was not fotr this pic I wouldnt have know of the empeg
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 20:56 image...I can host that for you if you'd like...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 20:58

When the BBS tells you the picture can't be bigger than 200,000 bytes, it really means it.

Here's hoping the next rev of the software will handle that more gracefully.
Posted by: mrfixit

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 20:58

yea not shure what happend, I tried to attach it but it didnt attach. yea oops I didnt realise it was that big... I had just scanned it, and uploaded the wrong file.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 21:00

File was 264k, much bigger than 200,000 bytes.
Posted by: mrfixit

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 21:07

Ok I fixed it, sorry
Posted by: image

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 21:24

anyone see how inaccurate the article is?

"support whatever [copy-protection scheme] comes out,"

wow... that was way out of context. shouldn't it be [codecs] or [music format]?

And is Hugh = Hugo... or is both acceptible mebbe.
Posted by: mrfixit

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 21:38

Yea, it seems that when ever the empeg was discussed on tv or in a mag. the info was always out of date and not all true, like whats with the "storage capacity of up to 28 gigs". But that article is still the reason that I have two empegs today, otherwise I wouldnt have known about it.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 07/11/2002 22:08

Very cool to see an early Empeg ad like that. Neato.

I'm one of the many people who first found out about the empeg on this page.
Posted by: loren

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 08/11/2002 00:20

Speaking of which... Hugo. where is that thing anyhow? The original MP3Mobile that is.
Posted by: altman

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 08/11/2002 02:15

In a glass cabinet in the office, along with Mk1 serial number #00001 which we swapped a Mk2 player for so we could get it back in house!

Posted by: peter

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 08/11/2002 02:16

where is that thing anyhow? The original MP3Mobile that is.

It's in a glass display cabinet at Empeg Towers, along with other exciting prototypes and various awards. It still works.

Posted by: muzza

Re: The picture that got me to buy my first empeg - 08/11/2002 17:20

Any photos of the office showing any current prototypes??