Curiosity: SDMI-compliant devices?

Posted by: DWallach

Curiosity: SDMI-compliant devices? - 09/11/2002 20:25

Back in the old days, i.e., maybe a year ago, SonicBlue Rio portables would claim compliance with SDMI. I seem to recall some of the empeg-guys opining that they had no idea what that meant, and the RioCar would continue as always. Now, on the new Rio portables, designed by our heros, we see no more mention of SDMI in the marketing specs. Instead, we see a mention of "Microsoft Windows Media DRM".

Can somebody explain, precisely, what the SDMI features used to be, why they're not there any more, and where Microsoft-brand DRM fits into the picture? I assume this means that, if you have some ugly Microsoft DRM-restricted file that the new Rio's will play ball, but they treat MP3s exactly the way you expect they would. True? False?
Posted by: rob

Re: Curiosity: SDMI-compliant devices? - 10/11/2002 04:02

SDMI is a generational copy control system - it is the technical implementation of the AHRA, which assures consumers the right to make copies of first generation content (ha!). The Central will not burn back to CD any content which is a copy of a copy. It also reflects the SDMI codes on its optical output.

SDMI doesn't really apply to any other SB products right now. For different legal reasons the portables are implemented as "end points" so they can accept content but not copy it back out again. For some reason only understood by lawyers the car player is the exception to this, but we'll just keep quiet about that right?

WMA DRM is an encryption system to prevent playback of content without an appropriate key. This allows content providers to sell direct to the consumer without worrying that it will get shared. I think this market (online content sale) will become very significant over the next 12 months (watch this space).

There is no adverse implication for unprotected content (MP3 or WMA) - the DRM layer is only activated for DRM content.

The above is my interpretation of these issues and not necessarily the view of SB. i.e. don't quote this in court, I don't know what I'm talking about!


Posted by: altman

Re: Curiosity: SDMI-compliant devices? - 11/11/2002 02:58

Errm, Rob, you're thinking of SCMS (serial copy management system) that's been around since something like 1987 with the first consumer DAT decks that shipped in the US. This was mandated by the AHRA.

I don't believe SDMI have ever published a completed DRM specification or a watermarking specification, although this is what their aim was, due to a total lack of agreement between manufacturers and the music industry.

Posted by: rob

Re: Curiosity: SDMI-compliant devices? - 11/11/2002 05:23

Yep you're right.