Hijack v300

Posted by: russmeister

Hijack v300 - 14/11/2002 20:53

Ok, maybe its just me but ever since I uploaded the latest hijack, from v291 (Im a little late I know) to v300, I have noticed that the "restore visuals hack" has been a little weird. There have been about 5 or 6 instances in 2 days that it has booted up without restoring my visuals. It comes up as the original "list" visual. Im hoping that im not the only one?? I seem to have no other problems since the upgrade.

Running 2.0-beta 13
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack v300 - 14/11/2002 21:04

V300 has been restoring my visuals just great for a long time. The only time it fails is if I begin twiddling the volume knob immediately after bootup.

Have you checked this to see if it's any of those things?
Posted by: russmeister

Re: Hijack v300 - 14/11/2002 21:28

I had this problem when I first received my empeg and installed hijack way back, like v233 or something. I dont remember. But I did change the config.ini when I previously had the problem and it has been working just fine. Now, with v300, I dont know what the problem is. I have done everything the same just as I have with the other hijack upgrades.

I will try manually selecting the text and visual modes from the player once again. But, like I said, this is the first upgrade since I originally solved the problem in config.ini that this has happened. I'll keep you posted.

Any other suggestions in the meantime?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack v300 - 14/11/2002 21:30

Just the other stuff at the bottom of that FAQ entry.
Posted by: russmeister

Re: Hijack v300 - 17/11/2002 22:23

I went back and took a look at my config.ini and found that I had this:


The first part of the FAQ entry:


was not there for some reason or another. I added this to it and seem to have no problems now.

Thanks Tony!

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack v300 - 17/11/2002 23:15

Thing is, I think that's the default setting in the more recent Hijack releases, so adding it didn't change anything.
Posted by: russmeister

Re: Hijack v300 - 17/11/2002 23:44

Its only rebooted about 3 times since I put that in there but it has been fine. Maybe Im delirious.