Serial numbers

Posted by: sucramuk

Serial numbers - 12/02/2003 14:54

I have read about serial numbers in this forum, basically there only use is for tracing a stolen empeg, I am looking at buying a empeg, is there a archive somewhere which shows stolen empeg serial numbers

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Serial numbers - 12/02/2003 14:59

You can contact support, give them the number, and ask them if they can help you. Serial numbers of stolen players are supposed to be reported to support. Not every one is reported, so even if it's not in their list, there's no guarantee that the player isn't stolen. Also, the seller could be giving you a bogus number.
Posted by: rob

Re: Serial numbers - 12/02/2003 16:47

Although support may be able to help, we don't keep stolen serial numbers for the purpose of advising second hand buyers. I'm sure there would be some liability issues in there somewhere.

The numbers have helped us to trace some stolen players in other ways. Sadly the majority of them never come to light - probably destroyed when the thief couldn't work out where to insert the CD.

Posted by: loren

Re: Serial numbers - 12/02/2003 17:33

Best to post it on the forum and all of us who've had ours stolen can check.