Am I glad to be here!

Posted by: steveb

Am I glad to be here! - 07/06/2000 22:59

Hello all, greetings from Texas. I am really glad that this BBS exists. Like so many others, I am in line to receive my empeg this summer (#15066) (so no more complaining about being around 14000). I am in deep need of a community of people who understand the incredible power and overall wonderfulness of the empeg. Most of my friends/family/peers just look at me and say something to the effect of "why would you spend max bucks to get a car stereo that can't even play AM, CD's, minidisks or cassettes?" I try to explain it to them, but they just don't understand.

In about august of '97 a friend and I quit our regular jobs and formed our own electronics and software company. We got a big contract to get us off to a good start. In the beginning we has an absolute truck load of great ideas for products we could build. Amoung those projects was a hard drive based, pull out car stereo. We had some nice sketches, and we had determined that this was the first project we would begin work on as soon as we finished our initial contract. Well, my partner totally flaked out on me and just quit working on the contract, divorced his wife and moved across town to live with his new girlfriend. So my little two man business failed before it even got off the ground, and needless to say our car player project never launched either. I considered trying to make a go of it myself (I have the hardware and software skills) but alas, my ex-business-partner was the only person I knew who understood the idea, everyone else just gave me the old "Who would spend max bucks on a car stereo you made when they can just go down to Joe's Sound Shack and get a Kenwood or Alpine or something installed cheaper?" The nay sayers won and I finally just gave up the idea.

So it was with mixed feelings that I stumbled across the empeg site. Here someone had got the same idea (actually lots of people have has this idea, just most have not clued-in to the importance of the whole thing being contained inside the head unit, not just a pc mounted in the trunk) and actually ran with it, and there seems to be real interest in it. Opportunity lost.

However, the bright side is that these fellows have done an excellent job. I say this because they did exactly what I would have done (blatant vanity), and having done so, they have also done some awesom things that I had not even thought of yet (visualizations, seperate eq's for front and rear, ethernet, I could go on and on). My original design was to have a serial port and a usb port (it seems that great minds think alike . . . and ours too) But I did have a wireless idea involving a cell phone and the serial port, but it would have been too slow to be practical, and imagine the air time minutes, ouch!

In short, I can't wait for my number to come up. I am thouroughly impressed with what they have done. Since I live in (or near) Houston I figure there will be a few other owners of empegs in my area, maybe we can start a local interest group, get together and bask in our mutual admiration of our awesom car systems.

Having a deep appreciation for, and knowledge of hardware design, I am going to do my best to keep the lid on my mark 2 at least untill I can confirm that it was not dammaged in shipping across the ocean. Once thouroughly tested, the lid comes off and inside I go. I expect to download and recompile every piece I can get my hands on. I will probably create a few software doodads, and a few hardware doodads to add on to my system. I'll post anything I come up with here for all to use and enjoy (or hate) as they see fit. I will definitely go all out with the wireless ethernet. (Since I am a hardware and software developer, ALL of my computers have programmers, emulators, gizmos I have built, etc. hanging off of them with A/B switch boxes, what a mess. All I need is one more thing to plug into my system(s). No thanks, I'm going wireless!

Enough already.

Post at you later,


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 01:36

Most of my friends/family/peers
just look at me and say something to the effect of "why would you spend max bucks to get a car stereo that can't even
play AM, CD's, minidisks or cassettes?" I try to explain it to them, but they just don't understand.

That's the same thing happening to me. But I don't really care that they all think I'm crazy. I wanna have all my songs - even my selfmade songs all in one and all available if I want!

The Idea is really gread and they made a good thing out of it. (Well for me just theoretical at this time, but I'll get one soon, I think )


Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 02:09

At first people didn't see the point (You've got the songs on CD, why go to the trouble of encoding them, you're spending HOW much on that, etc...)

However, they are always blown away when I ask them what they want to listen to, and within a few button clicks it's playing... (Well, within reason, I don't do 'pop' music... =)

That's the point... I can have (lots of) my music collection with me all the time, and play whatever suits my mood...

So, people will get the point really quickly, they just have to see the unit in operation (Normal comment... "so, where's the rest of it??" =)

(List 112, S/N 00030, 4 gig blue)
Posted by: PaulWay

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 05:58

So, Rob, does this man get a job?

Save the whales. Feed the hungry. Free the mallocs.
Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 06:02

Some people have already found out that this is a cool thing . Look at those reg#'s postet something about 15xxx

But I'm a bit wondering... if there are so many people interested in the Mk2 why is just such a small part of them in this forum?
I think if someone's really interested in something then he/she what to know as much as he/she can get about this. Even more if it's not a cheap thing and nothing usual I'd get as much information as I can get. Where are the other 14351 and something registered persons


Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 06:32

In reply to:

Where are the other 14351 and something registered persons?

Quite likely that some of them are lurking anonymously...

Register and join in, we won't bite... =)

(List 112, S/N 00030, 4 gig blue)

Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 07:10

I'd be interested how many registered persons really want to buy the Mk2 (not for knowing how fast I'll get mine - just for personal interest).

I think everyone registered here and not already having an empeg is going to buy one.


Posted by: Terminator

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 07:34

Ill bet less than 20 or 30% of the people in line will actually buy one, unfortunately.


Posted by: Kureg

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 08/06/2000 07:46

In reply to:

That's the same thing happening to me. But I don't really care that they all think I'm crazy. I wanna have all my songs - even my selfmade songs all in one and all available if I want!

Well, see, for me it's similar. But what I really think, is that your friends (the first people you tell) try to make you think it's crazy because they either can't afford it or just spent $1000 bucks on an Alpine stereo. Inevitably, they like the idea lots, they just don't want YOU to be the one with the cool stereo .


Posted by: steveb

Re: Am I glad to be here! - 09/06/2000 20:30

I think that the daily commute would be a deal breaker. If I lived in the area I might look into some of those job postings.
