Seperate volume/eq for aux?

Posted by: maverick

Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 06:09

Is there a way to set a different EQ curve for each source (like the main player, and the aux in source)? I have an input that does not match the volume of the player, so when I switch between sources, there's a big volume difference. Plus one source has more bass, etc. So if there was a way to just set EQ settings for each individually, that would be perfect.

I do have HiJack installed.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 06:26

There's a bunch of "volume_boost_XXX" parameters for config.ini courtesy of Hijack, to help with the volume aspect.

But I dunno about the EQ stuff.

Posted by: mwest

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 06:27

Agreed... I use my aux for my stock radio and cd player. It really doesn't have the volume it should. Any ideas?
Posted by: genixia

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 06:31

As Mark stated, hijack has the ability to adjust the volume per source. There isn't currently any method of changing eq's per source.

One thing to be aware of is that FM mode (only) has a 6dB bass boost by default. Hijack also contains a switch to turn this off. It's probable that when I rework the bass/treble controls in the near future that this bass boost will go away. (Although I might find a way to keep it there...)
Posted by: bodybag

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 09:06

I'd be interested in a separate EQ setting when switching from the player to the tuner. I typically only listen to talk radio through the tuner and I end-up changing the EQ everytime I switch the source from player to tuner. It would be great if there was a config.ini deal where "source=tuner then EQ=X". $.02
Posted by: genixia

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 10:52

Well, theoretically, since we now know the format of the dynamic data parition (where the EQ settings are stored), it should be possible to achieve this through hijack. I'm a bit wary of doing it immediately;

1) IIRC, There's already some EQ jiggery-pokery going on within hijack when we change sources because of the current Bass/Treble implementation. Since re-implementing Bass/Treble to use the DSP's inbuilt tone controls is next on my to-do list, this issue (if it does exist) will go away.
2) I'm very conciously aware of the existence of 3.0a1 amongst the alpha team, which promises 'exciting new functionality'. Not being on the alpha team means that I don't have any visibility into what they are, and I doubt that anyone on the alpha team could tell me (NDA). I wouldn't want to implement this if it's already in the pipeline. If Rob (or any other Empeg official) wants to confirm that it's not a feature in 3.0 then I'll put it on my list.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 11:19

Something Genixia and I have already discussed was the idea of allowing the bass and treble boost/cut to be configurable per-song (via a tag in the comment field, interpreted by proc/notify). I could see this being done for AM, FM and Aux as well.

Thing is, after removing the bass boost for FM, and adjusting the relative volume level of Aux, FM, and AM with Hijack, I find that I don't desire a different EQ setting for these things now. Nor do I want a different EQ per genre for the MP3s. As long as your system is EQ'd well, all music should sound pretty good on it. Although I could see needing to reduce bass on the Aux input for a portable CD player (since they boost bass anyway).

The only reason I want a per-song adjustment it to correct for a few poorly-mastered albums in my collection. I wouldn't use it all over the map. For example, I'd just reduce treble by 3db on The Fixx's "Shuttered Room" remaster.

I think this would be much easier to manage than a per-song EQ or a per-input EQ. Just one or two values for bass or treble boost/cut. Very simple. I'd hate to have to come up with a completely different EQ setting for each situation. Once the EQ is dialed in well, I don't think you need more than a slight adjustment of bass or treble for a given source or song.
Posted by: bodybag

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 14:55

"As long as your system is EQ'd well, all music should sound pretty good on it."


This is true for Music, but I use my tuner to listen to Talk Radio almost 100% of the time. I find that the treble end of the EQ settings needs to be significantly reduced. Right now, when I toggle back and forth, I usually have to change from "Flat" EQ (for radio) to my custom setting (for music) or vise versa. Sometimes I get lazy and don't bother, which leaves me listening to music with a "Flat" EQ or Talk Radio with annoying high tones. Since I switch back and forth from Tuner to Player alot during commercials, a "source=x then EQ=x" would be an awesome option for me.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 06/05/2003 15:30

This is true for Music, but I use my tuner to listen to Talk Radio almost 100% of the time.
As do I. I have no trouble going back and forth between AM or FM talk radio and MP3s. It's all in getting the system tweaked and EQ'd just right.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 07/05/2003 10:31

I'm not sure but couldn't you use the EQ presets one for each input?
Labaled (EQ-Aux,EQ-FM etc).
Of course you would have to change it manually from the menu. Maybe Hijack could do it automatically I don't know if this is possible, would be great if it could.
Posted by: maverick

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 07/05/2003 10:45

How do you adjust the different source volumes in Hijack? I looked for this just the other day and didn't see any kind of source volume control.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 07/05/2003 10:51

How do you adjust the different source volumes in Hijack? I looked for this just the other day and didn't see any kind of source volume control.
Volume_boost Options.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 07/05/2003 11:00

Sorry I thought your original post asked if there seperate EQ curves you could set.
Posted by: maverick

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 07/05/2003 11:24

It did, and that's ultimately what I'd like to do. Each source that I'm using needs very different EQ settings. But for now, at least I can get them up to the same volumes!

That would be cool if Hijack could change to a different saved EQ setting dependent on the source!
Posted by: bodybag

Re: Seperate volume/eq for aux? - 07/05/2003 11:41
