null modem cable

Posted by: RobotCaleb

null modem cable - 06/05/2003 17:28

im having trouble finding one online to order. can anyone point me to somebody that actually has db9 male to db9 male. i can find m/f f/f but not m/m. perhaps im not looking hard enough
Posted by: ricin

Re: null modem cable - 06/05/2003 17:38

How about this?
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: null modem cable - 06/05/2003 17:41

empeg is m/m right?
since im unable to find m/m i may have to buy a cable and adaptor. null modem adaptor and straight through cable seems that it would be most practical in that case.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: null modem cable - 06/05/2003 17:42

empeg is m/m right?
Empeg is M, computer DB9 port is M, so the cable must be F/F. (IIRC)
Posted by: ricin

Re: null modem cable - 06/05/2003 17:45

For empeg use you'd need a F/F null modem cable. Serial ports themselves are Male connections.

I should say, not just for empeg use, but for anything requiring a serial port -> serial port connection with a null modem cable.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: null modem cable - 06/05/2003 17:46

damn my virgin ways.
that makes the search so much easier
Posted by: tfabris

Re: null modem cable - 06/05/2003 22:16

damn my virgin ways.
You know, I always wondered what the deal was with naming connectors in that way. Did the people doing the naming just assume that children wouldn't ever be interested in learning about electronics? Or did that naming convention come from a less-sexually-repressed culture?

My personal pet theory: Once upon a time, all people remotely interested in electronics were undersexed geeks, and therefore obsessed with that sort of thing...
Posted by: JeffS

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 04:26

You know, I always wondered what the deal was with naming connectors in that way.
I think it's just the obvious metaphore; we all would have thought it whether we heard someone say it or not.
Posted by: mwest

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 06:07

Once upon a time, all people remotely interested in electronics were undersexed geeks

Once upon a time?
Posted by: tman

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 06:27

I'd say a lot of IT people still are. Considering all of the IT exhibitions I've been to have had women wearing not very much handing out leaflets etc...
At the one I went to recently, one company actually had a platform above their stand for dancers. I'm still trying to work out how this is related to secure networking...

- Trevor
Posted by: boxer

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 06:32

Surely if
Once upon a time, all people remotely interested in electronics were undersexed geeks
, by now there would be nobody left who was interested in electronics, because the geeks, being undersexed, would not have bred a further generation?

Give mwest his old posts! Now!
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 06:50

I think by ``undersexed'', Tony meant ``not getting any'', and not ``uninterested in sex'', which would be the more normal (read: ``correct'') definition.
Posted by: genixia

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 06:51

At the one I went to recently, one company actually had a platform above their stand for dancers. I'm still trying to work out how this is related to secure networking...

Were they handing out condoms?
Posted by: peter

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 07:11

Were they handing out condoms?
I saw an advert card in Viz once which said something like "Protection, without compromising performance". When you unfolded it, it was an advert for 3com IPSEC-offload network cards. I don't know what surprised me more, that 3com felt it worthwhile to advertise IPSEC-offload cards in Viz, or that they managed to produce an advert so in keeping with the risque content of the comic.

Posted by: boxer

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 07:23

Tony meant ``not getting any'', and not ``uninterested in sex''

Surely, the end result would be the same, whatever the reason: No procreation.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 07:33

Surly taking about procreation with a subject line of "null modem cable" should give some credence to Tony's characterization of IT people.

However, I still think the terms evolved because they fit the physical objects better than any other metaphor. The first time I ever heard anyone speak of the “male” end of a cable I knew exactly what was being meant.

Also (though I’m sure this has nothing to do with cables really) I believe the word “male” comes from a word meaning “peircer” and female comes from a word meaning “pierced”.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 07:39

Surely, the end result would be the same, whatever the reason: No procreation.
Well, the big difference would be whether the geek is uninterested or everyone else is uninterested. If it's the latter then someone is liable to be interested eventually. Then again, there are fifty year old virgins in the world, and I imagine that most of them are geeks. (You'd think that it'd be time to to just cut your losses and pay for it by then, though.)
Posted by: tman

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 07:58

No but one company were giving out branded boxer shorts...

- Trevor
Posted by: boxer

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 08:14

someone is liable to be interested eventually

So geeks procreating is a bit like chimps writing Beethoven, give 'em a organ or piano, respectively, and they'll get there eventually
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 08:25

Posted by: mlord

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 09:15

Kinda, except they'll get there quicker. Even though they're geeks, they've still got some bio programming, and there's similar numbers of each sex who are in the same boat.. eventually they crash into each other.

Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: null modem cable - 07/05/2003 11:07

"All jocks think about is sports. All geeks think about is sex."

-Revenge of the Nerds