Empeg mk1 working slowly

Posted by: decay

Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 11:57


So, I have a mk1 (again mentionin' about it) and two HD's, 6GB and 20GB. There's about 3GB free on the player.

I have Hijack 33x or 32x installed. Empeg software 2 final.

Problem is that my player is slow. For doing the down-down-down, it could take ~5-10 secs to play. That's a long time to be w/o music incar d=/
Another thingie is the remote, trying to search the right artist / tune and there's a slight pause after each letter. So typing 'Garbage' with my instant-typing-sms-oriented-fingers and I'll see only 'Ga' on the screen, and slowly the rest of the letters are coming from somekind of cache..

Meepmeep! Normal activity or a software issue? Anything to be done?
No, I don't want to solder an extra block of RAM on it d=/

Thinking about upgrading the HD's to bigger ones, but if the database gets too large on these...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 11:59

Are you running any third party programs from the @EXEC feature of Hijack?
Posted by: decay

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:03


There was ynot's emphatic running a month ago, for a week or so.

well, maybe I'll check the config.ini once again.
Posted by: decay

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:06

Here's the end of my config.ini

button=menu 00b94615
button=left 00b9460c
button=right 00b9460d


Can't remember what the ir_translate is for, and as far as I remember the emphatic sections remaps didn't work. They don't make any load, do they?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:36

Remove the following lines:



button=menu 00b94615
button=left 00b9460c
button=right 00b9460d

See if that fixes it. Is there anything else of note in your config.ini we should see?
Posted by: decay

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:39


umm, i thought this was used to something i need? what could it be, can't remember. I remember emphatic needed this, but since I'm not using it anymore..
What else needs that?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:42

What else needs that?
Certain third-party programs need it. But as you said, you're not running any. So check and see if removing it fixes the problem.
Posted by: decay

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:44

Ok. This is the end of my config.ini now:


Dunno, maybe the downdowndown is a little faster, maybe not. I'll see it next time when I'm driving around and fiddle w/ my remote

Thanks Tony!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg mk1 working slowly - 06/06/2003 12:50

Dunno, maybe the downdowndown is a little faster, maybe not.
Down Down Down is always slow for a large database. That's normal.

It was the other problems you listed that I was thinking might be solved with removal of the Notify.