JEmplode options (sort)

Posted by: bbowman

JEmplode options (sort) - 16/06/2003 16:07

Hello all, I've been struggling with this for a while and have searched around in the FAQ's to no avail. I've seen that there has been plenty of discussion on sorting in Jemplode, but none of them seemed to address this:

I've been trying to use the automatic sort option in JEmplode (See screen shot attached) I wasn't sure what the syntax for the field name was so I've been trying all sort of versions of the name. the logic behind "tracknumber" is because that is used in the search dialogue.

Question: Am I using this right? When I try this, it seems to be ignored. I either use this method or I manually go into each of the hundreds of albums, select all tracks, sort by track number, and click the position button. Kind of tedious, eh? Any ideas?

The part in the screen shot that I'm referring to is
Auto Sort on Import: check
Tag Name to Auto Sort in: tracknumber
Auto Sort Ascending: check

Also as a side question, what is the difference between JEmplode and jempeg?
Posted by: bbowman

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 16/06/2003 16:09

Here is the attachment:
Posted by: TedP

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 16/06/2003 16:32

I was trying to do the very same thing and could never get it to work. You're probably trying to do the same thing I did which is have each album sorted by tracknumber. What I ended up doing is to go to the newest version of EMPLODE (V2.00) and resort the JEMPLODE generated playlist by TRACKNUMBER.

Hope that helps
Posted by: mschrag

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 16/06/2003 17:37

so that textfield expects the name of the tag to sort on ... the actual tag name, I believe, is "tracknr" (no quotes in the textfield)

also, jempeg = the original name (years ago) ... jemplode = what the name of the software evolved into, though technically there's a jemptool inside there also, so jempeg was probably closer to correct. oh well.

Posted by: bbowman

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 16/06/2003 21:03

hmm, I tried tracknr in that field instead of tracknumber as you suggested and it still didn't work. Is there a log that I can send you on this?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 18/06/2003 22:25

I guess one question is what exactly are you expecting this to change the sort on? I believe this only change the sort order for regular Empeg playlists if you were to, say, New Tune Directory or New Tunes into an existing playlist (i.e. not a soup). Is this what you were doing? It's also possible it's just hopelessly broken, so I wouldn't discount that one either ....
Posted by: bbowman

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 19/06/2003 05:42

That is a very good point. I was reading a thread (I think on the wish list) about putting a sort option on the soups, so I've assumed that this capability is not yet available. I was hoping that all of the actual playlists (under the playlists section on the empeg) would be automatically ordered by track number. That doesn't seem to be happening. I'll keep fiddling with it, though - I'll let you all know if I ever get results.

Also, where can I get a list of the column names to put into this field to test with? (i.e. tracknr, etc...)
Posted by: mschrag

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 19/06/2003 07:20

i believe it will only autosort on import -- not all your playlists, but the one that was affected by the import.

column names are at ""

Posted by: bbowman

Re: JEmplode options (sort) - 20/06/2003 07:40
