Altman how far behind are you now?

Posted by: BasicGuy

Altman how far behind are you now? - 13/10/1999 21:12

Your latest news letter say because of chip shortages you can't get enough chips to meet you Dec/Jan goal of shipping your pre-orders. I was wondering
how far this might put you behind? I relize you'll probaly say its privalige info but I still have to ask.

Thanks For your time,
Brad Graff
que #10767

Posted by: rob

Re: Altman how far behind are you now? - 14/10/1999 04:32

We still have some units which will continue to go out with Beta software over the next few weeks. It seems likely that we will then resume shipping in January, with a view to clearing the backlog very quickly (in about a month perhaps).
