looking for rio remote

Posted by: buts

looking for rio remote - 24/06/2003 17:45

ilooking for rio remote as mine was stolen from my car larst night can any one help
i do have a kenwood one but i like the rrio one better, i am just glad i dont leave the player in the car
Posted by: tfabris

Re: looking for rio remote - 24/06/2003 17:52

Phew, another major tragedy averted thanks to the pullout design. Sorry you lost the remote, but boy it could have been much worse.
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: looking for rio remote - 24/06/2003 20:41

I realize they're hard to get ahold of but I didn't realize people were breaking in just for remotes. That's some hard core empeg fanatacism there. Or they're just incompetent.

Sorry to hear about your break in. Be glad you've still got your empeg.

Posted by: andym

Re: looking for rio remote - 25/06/2003 01:27

They must be the same dickheads to tried to steal my g/f's mums car and when they realised they couldn't (imobiliser) they stole a pair 99p sunglasses and an ice scraper. Why would you want an ice scraper in the middle of summer, come to think of it, it is england after all.
Posted by: andym

Re: looking for rio remote - 25/06/2003 01:28

I'm now officially an old hand, w00t!
Posted by: loren

Re: looking for rio remote - 25/06/2003 08:03

and the same dickheads who stole the sled out of my Civic. THanks boys... i'm getting a black one now!
Posted by: adavidw

Re: looking for rio remote - 26/06/2003 01:22

I had someone steal a Discman remote out of my car once. Broke the window, pawed through the cds under the seat, left the cds, and took off with the remote. I never did really understand that unti I queried Sony on the cost of a replacement remote. $80! Clearly the thief was more aware of Sony's price gouging and thought they'd get better resale on that than a bunch of lousy CDs.
Posted by: gsm01320

Re: looking for rio remote - 03/07/2003 22:30

belezeebub is selling 2 remotes... if not already sold that is... I would ask that person about it
Posted by: Taym

Re: looking for rio remote - 05/07/2003 06:15

True! Absolutely true. Pull-out is the best design you can have, if you care about your car stereo.