WooHoo! MKII!

Posted by: ClemsonJeep

WooHoo! MKII! - 03/07/2000 06:01

I awoke to a rap-tap-tapping at my front door. This could only have been one person.. Mr. FedEx man! Sure enough it was! Quickly I scribbled my name down on his little sheet and as he started to put it away, I quickly snagged the empeg box from his hands (I think I actually said "yoink") and before he could even say goodbye, I was inside with the box halfway open.

I will post a full review of it as soon as I get awake, showered, and installed . 8)

Posted by: altman

Re: WooHoo! MKII! - 03/07/2000 06:30

Just a quick note: there's a problem with the 11b release in that it tries to run a 12mb-build player in 8mb of memory. I should be posting beta11c in the next couple of hours which fixes this problem - a symptom of the new automatic build environment (and most likely Mike not being here, thus triggering off Murphy's law!)

(yes, it looks like it was my bug anyway. Oops...)