Cloning an Empeg

Posted by: Dredd

Cloning an Empeg - 04/07/2000 21:00

Does anyone have any estimates on how long it will take me to clone my 20GB MkI to my MkII?

It's been going... well, SEVERAL hours now and shows no signs of stopping.


Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: Cloning an Empeg - 05/07/2000 00:12

Cloning my 4 gig took 11 hours (or there abouts...)
Although it did seem to pause a bit from time to time, and I had a few things plugged into the hub... =)

(List 112, Mk2 on order. Mk1 Unit for sale S/N 00030, 4 gig blue, apply within)
Posted by: Geoff

Re: Cloning an Empeg - 05/07/2000 01:45

I think my 4GB cloned in about 4-5 hours or so. I kicked it off just before I had to go out at 2pm, and it finished shortly after I got home, around tea-time.

The computer wasn't doing anything else for most of the time, but as it got close to the end I was downloading beta-11c while it was cloning.

The two empegs were the only USB devices connected at the time though.

---- -------
Got one of the first Mark 2 empegs...
Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: Cloning an Empeg - 05/07/2000 02:16

Oh well, my machine has been acting up for a while, so perhaps it's windows telling me that after 2 years it's time for a reinstall... =)

(List 112, Mk2 12 gig #40. Mk1 for sale 4 gig #30, apply within)