Soundproofing Question

Posted by: Caps

Soundproofing Question - 28/07/2003 16:26

Does anybody have any advice on soundproofing a car? I'm figuring that most of the sound comes in through the doors and the wheel wells, but that is just a guess. If anybody has any suggestions on what materials to use and where to put them, that would be great.

The other thing I have thought about would be to use the stuff they use to coat the beds of pick-up trucks. Would this stuff work? I know it would be easy to apply to all of the spots on my trunk. Or how about asphalt roofing materials? Would dynamat be the only way to go?

Posted by: drakino

Re: Soundproofing Question - 28/07/2003 16:40

(sorry, have had the urge to use this for a while, this is as good of an excuse as any :-) The big recent discussion on this is here.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Soundproofing Question - 28/07/2003 17:20


Funny, though...
Posted by: Caps

Re: Soundproofing Question - 29/07/2003 16:14

I actually had read that post. Look at the bottom of page 2, I even posted a message there prior to this one. So, maybe I should of asked this question at the end of that one. But, I thought this was a little different.