V3 alpha

Posted by: jbrinkerhoff

V3 alpha - 29/07/2003 12:57

I don't know exactly what restrictions the empeg guys put on those of you who attended the meet - other than to not post it online... But I'd simply love to give it a whirl. I know its alpha code, buggy, unstable, etc etc etc...

But would it be breaking the rules if someone just accidentially emailed it to my [email protected] address?? I swear on my empeg and a stack of whatever religious tome you desire that I will not distribute it any further than my own machine/empeg.

Attending the meet was just not even within the realm of possibility for me, and I'm just drying to try out crossfade...
Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: V3 alpha - 29/07/2003 18:07

What he said..... My email is on my profile <nudge nudge>
Posted by: frog51

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 03:55

In reply to:

I swear on my empeg and a stack of whatever religious tome you desire that I will not distribute it any further than my own machine/empeg

Maybe that's what they had to do...
Posted by: schofiel

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 06:31

No, I had to sign over my immortal soul in a contract with the Devil, written in the blood of my first-born son.

Perhaps now you will understand.
Posted by: drakino

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 09:46

But would it be breaking the rules if someone just accidentially emailed it to my [email protected] address??
Umm. Well, your e-mail is a part of this world wide network called the internet. I am pretty sure the people who got the alpha release were asked not to put it on the internet. Thus, even sending it to your e-mail would be breaking this agreement.

Knowing how close the empeg community is, and seeing the extreme ones attend these meets, I highly doubt anyone is going to break the agreement they made. And besides, several people who have tried it have stated it is pretty buggy. Sure, you seem to think you understand that, but if it's buggy like 1.1 alphas, there is always the chance your entire music library would be wiped clean. I doubt that risk is worth hearing crossfade earlier then you normally would.
Posted by: andym

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 09:57

My spare wouldn't sync when I ran v3 initially it took a lot of fiddling, i've also had lockups and restarts whilst using v3, i definitely won't be running it on my main machine until a public beta comes out.
Posted by: Daria

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 11:25

Mailing me a CD wouldn't be putting it on the internet, though....

Posted by: jbrinkerhoff

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 13:07

Well, I guess I'll sit back and wait then... Loosing my music library is not a real concern, as I have it all backed up on my PC. Yeah, reloading it would suck, but I could live with it.

If it's really buggy, then I'd suppose waiting for the next (maybe beta) release would probably be prudent.

Posted by: mrfixit

Re: V3 alpha - 30/07/2003 19:23

New features are always neat and cool but, If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Posted by: andym

Re: V3 alpha - 31/07/2003 01:05

In reply to:

Knowing how close the empeg community is, and seeing the extreme ones attend these meets,

Heh, I've never been referred to as extreme before