Web site

Posted by: bonzi

Web site - 17/10/1999 03:54

Am I navigationally challenged, or is empeg order page with lists of accessories etc, which I saw mentioned in several posts here, well hidden?

Speaking of the web site, it would be nice to have a kind of 'todo' list there (meaning the list of approved wishes, both customer's and empeg guys' own, with some rough implementation schedule).


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Posted by: rob

Re: Web site - 17/10/1999 10:07

The secure order site is not publically linked. We provide the URL in an invitation to order which is sent as we reach each position in the queue.

Our development schedule doesn't readily lend itself to a published tick list, as it is influenced dynamically by many factors. I don't think anyone is complaining about the rate of development - with one or two more tweaks I believe that we could declare a full software release. As it is, we have a LOT more functionality planned before we end the Beta stage.


Posted by: bonzi

Re: Web site - 17/10/1999 15:20

I am certainly not complaining... I just always wanted to know in advance what is Santa Claus going to bring :-)

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia