Karma as digital receiver; empeg too?

Posted by: maurij

Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 05/09/2003 12:41

Some reviews of the Karma explain it can act as a digital music receiver on an ethernet network.

Does anyone know if this is a Software feature coming to the EMPEG in v.3?
Posted by: andy

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 05/09/2003 13:39

The Karma can't do this yet anyway, some of the reviewers have got a bit carried away...
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 05/09/2003 14:07

I figure it probably comes from that TechTV (or whatever it was) review where the host seemed to basically make that up out of thin air and the guy who knew stuff tried to steer him away from it, but wouldn't just come out and say ``no, it won't.''
Posted by: Roger

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 06/09/2003 01:15

Some reviews of the Karma explain it can act as a digital music receiver on an ethernet network.

They're wrong. It can't. It was on the wishlist (although never public, so I don't know why people think it can), but didn't make the cut for the first release. Hopefully, it'll be added in a future release, but I can't say for sure.

Does anyone know if this is a Software feature coming to the EMPEG in v.3?

It won't be coming to the empeg for v3, because it doesn't exist yet.
Posted by: jmwking

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 07:44

Hmm... No one touched this over the weekend, so I'll bite:
It won't be coming to the empeg for v3, because it doesn't exist yet.
Yet? That's a loaded word. Yet? Is there a new empeg in the works?

God, it takes so little to get my hopes up.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 08:30

New software, not hardware.
Posted by: jmwking

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 08:50

So I assumed, but his statement was vaguely ambiguous.

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 08:53

Yes, ambiguous. I do not think the feature has been coded, but that it is a nice thing that the folks @ empeg would like too. As to the question about new hardware, the Camelot is still kicking around somewhere - probably on the back burner while all of the other products are being released, but it is still there, I am sure.

(Note: No NDAs were harmed in replying to this post.)
Posted by: jmwking

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 09:22

Thanks for the (NDA approved) update.

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 10:01

Well, the NDA comment was more that there is no data (or, perhaps, none that I have), not that I filtered it to fit into NDA requirements.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 10:15

So I assumed, but his statement was vaguely ambiguous.

Not in the context, it wasn't:

Does anyone know if this is a Software feature coming to the EMPEG in v.3? (emphasis mine)

And, when I said "it doesn't exist yet", I was referring to the feature, not software v3. Software v3 (as you well know) is in alpha for the car player, and about to be in stores on the Rio Karma.
Posted by: jmwking

Re: Karma as digital receiver; empeg too? - 08/09/2003 10:54

I agree that most rational people would read your statement that way, and I must confess that I did. But since you didn't actually put the phrase "software feature" in your sentence for the "it" to reference, I still think it was vaguely ambiguous.

Mostly, though, I wanted to delude myself a bit on a new empeg coming some day... [sigh]
