Air holes on top of Empeg

Posted by: doug316

Air holes on top of Empeg - 24/07/2000 19:19

Should I expect the Empeg to get some fresh air through the holes on the top of the case? Mine has a drive cable covering it from the inside. And man, when I pull the thing out of the dash it's HOT!

Posted by: PaulWay

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 24/07/2000 20:31

My brother and I have been wondering this as well. I've been thinking of finding a way to mount a small fan to force cool air into the empeg unit, perhaps boring some holes into the case at other places to vent the hotter air (after first trying to ascertain where the motherboard etc, are... :-). Ideally I'd take the air feed from before the aircon, as living down here in Melbourne I'm more likely to be using heating than cooling. But we'll see.

I was driving down here (from Brisbane, over two days) and had one time where I'd put an old jumper over the empeg. About an hour after that it stuttered and froze, and I pulled it out to find it very warm indeed. I placed it in a slightly better ventilated spot and it was fine thereafter. I'm assuming that's the heat protection coming into play.

Save the whales. Feed the hungry. Free the mallocs.
Posted by: altman

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 00:27

The pattern in the top is suitable for mounting a small fan (low profile 40mm I think), though you will void your warranty doing this. The "motherboard" is the whole bottom of the case.

Actually, most heat comes from the display, which has a filament heater - this them gets dissipated in the metalwork. The actual main board generates very little heat, it's all in the display/drives.


Posted by: Scott

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 02:27

While looking inside of my Mk1 I did notice a two pin connector on the motherboard for possibly the fan that you are talking about. Is it safe to connect a fan to this header?

Scott (00342)
Posted by: rob

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 04:05

Nah, those things are speed holes!


Posted by: Dignan

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 05:14

Speedholes, eh? Maybe the old DiG-mobile could use some speedholes...

(good one rob)

Posted by: muzza

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 05:14

I Was actually going to punch a hole in the air system after the aircon but before the heating so that the emepg has cold air ALL the time. I have noticed problems when it overheats.

it would be a simple matter of siliconing a tube into the airway then having it attached onto the sled so that it sprays onto the top holes. Alternatively, a hole could be drilled in either side of the sled to pump air in the side vents. wouldnt have to be much.

Murray 06000047
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 08:12

it would be a simple matter of siliconing a tube into the airway then having it attached onto the sled so that it sprays onto the top holes.

Yeah, I thought about doing this, too. Just put a vertical loop in the tube or something similar, to catch any condensation!

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 09:20

it would be a simple matter of siliconing a tube into the airway then having it attached onto the sled so that it sprays onto the top holes

Yeah, but then in the winter you'd be spraying hot air onto the Empeg, and that's not good even if it's cold outside.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: altman

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 11:10

The 2 pin header is +12v from the accessory feed. Don't take a lot of current from it, and you will need to take ground from the case.


Posted by: muzza

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 14:03

hugo: The 2 pin header is +12v from the accessory feed.

wouldn't is be easier just to splice into the amp control feed and power a relay?

tony: Yeah, but then in the winter you'd be spraying hot air onto the Empeg
I'd try to take the air directly after the aircon. I usually have it on all the time anyway.

dearing: Just put a vertical loop in the tube or something similar, to catch any condensation!

yeah some kind of condensation trap, also a small lint filter in it somewhere.

Murray 06000047
Posted by: altman

Re: Air holes on top of Empeg - 25/07/2000 16:45

The header was intended for an *internal* fan, if one ever became necessary.
