MP3.Com bought by CNet

Posted by: JeffS

MP3.Com bought by CNet - 14/11/2003 07:44

Just got my email about it. As of December they're apparently wiping out everything and starting with something else. Anyone know anything about this? I wonder if is going to become another online music store. If so, I guess that's then end of having a huge resource for finding free, independent music.
Posted by: matthew_k

Re: MP3.Com bought by CNet - 14/11/2003 09:30

Well, this goes hand in hand with the recent gutting of emusic. Whichever company they trace their roots back to (vivendi?) is trying to kill off any of their subsidiaries that aren't going to be easily marketable for sale. At least, that's the conspiracy theory that I heard, and I'm willing to beleive it.

Posted by: Skunk

Re: MP3.Com bought by CNet - 14/11/2003 10:53

Funny, I havent heard from them.
I have music on that site!
Unfortunate, but there is still a soucre for free Indi music.