Flakey Hard Drive

Posted by: Deanster

Flakey Hard Drive - 03/11/1999 15:21

So I just spoke with US-Support regarding my dead Empeg player.

It started as a minor problem and grew worse. Basically sometimes it wouldn't boot. Other times it'd boot and play but after 20 minutes it'd fail and refuse to come back up.

Anyway, US-Support says that there have been a number of hard drives turning up as flakey. They're expecting a shipment of higher quality hard drives and will fix my player as soon as those arrive. I'll lose all my tunes but this time I'll have a better idea how to build the playlists and now I can upload from more than just win98.

Has anyone else heard this?

yours, Dean

Posted by: altman

Re: Flakey Hard Drive - 03/11/1999 17:48

For "higher quality", read "different manufacturer, different batch". We had a bad batch of one size of drive which has had a much higher failure rate than the others: we've switched manufacturer which will hopefully solve the problem. The new drives should be in the US later today (4th), so you'll get you unit back soon.


Posted by: tadzio

Re: Flakey Hard Drive - 04/11/1999 03:51

So, I'd say a backup feature that can save the playlists to a PC becomes really important. After a HD failure, I wouldn't really mind having to re-download all the tunes, because this would be a mostly automatic process - start it and leave it running over night. But I'd be extremely annoyed to have to rebuild all my playlists - this would be very, very time-consuming. There should also be no legal (copyright etc) problems with a backup function just for the playlists and not the tunes themselves, I'd really like to urge you to add such a feature. Will keep your customer's anger about a failed hard drive to a much more bearable level. Just stick it into the emplode program as File -> Save As and File -> Load :-)) Thanks!

Posted by: mac

Backup facility (was Re: Flakey Hard Drive) - 04/11/1999 04:33

Just stick it into the emplode program as File -> Save As and File -> Load :-)) Thanks!

We are thinking about something along these lines but since the emplode software is effectively stateless we need to think of a clever way of doing it. We think we've come up with such a method that doesn't conflict with being stateless and this will make it into a future version. However, since it is not backing up the actual tunes it becomes quite difficult to find the actual tunes to upload again unless they are left in the same place on your PC.

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Posted by: Yonzie

Backup facility (was Re: Flakey Hard Drive) - 05/11/1999 01:52

Please, please, please make it so when you want to restore the playlists, and it has to find the songs on the HD, that you specify a location for it to look for them. It should then (before upload) check if it can find all the songs. If it can't, you should be able to specify another location, or just the files individually (depending on the number of songs missing), or of course just skip track(s).

Just my hard-to-understand 0.25DKR


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