Posted by: bonzi

TinyARM - 09/08/2000 14:17

The ARM hacking folks around here might find this article interesting...

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
#5196, counting days untill return from vacation
Posted by: philb

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 14:24

Another interesting link from slashdot today:

Compaq's Ipaq which has a very similar processor to the empeg, and runs Linux & X.

I want my car stereo, wristwatch, PDA and toaster to all have ARM chips in them, I just wish I'd bought some ARM shares a while ago!


Posted by: bonzi

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 14:39

I want my car stereo, wristwatch, PDA and toaster to all have ARM chips in them, I just wish I'd bought some ARM shares a while ago!

Yes, and few years ago it looked as if the architecture were dead.

BTW, who owns it? Did Intel buy the whole architecture or just some chips? Is that company down the road from empeg Intel subsidiary?

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
#5196, counting days untill return from vacation
Posted by: altman

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 14:43

ARM own themselves, though Apple still has a largish stake from when it was formed in the late 80's by Acorn, Apple, and VLSI.

Intel just licence the ARM architecture, add their own froody bits, and make the StrongARM. Intel are (in theory) no more important than other architecture licencees (as opposed to core licencees, which just take the core as-is and put peripherals around it - like cirrus, ti, motorola, etc).


Posted by: bonzi

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 15:01

Ah, that sounds good!

BTW, hasn't Digital (R.I.P, more or less, but who knows) played a role in ARM history?

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
#5196, counting days untill return from vacation
Posted by: rob

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 15:59

Digital developed the StrongARM - Intel bought it from them a year or two ago, along with most of their IC development and FAB operations.

It's nice to see the ARM processor having achieved near global domination of its core markets (embedded and low power applications). Hugo and myself have been advocates of the processor for many years (since 1987 and 1989 respectively) and I always thought it deserved to grow far beyond the scope of the small British computer manufacturer (Acorn) that developed it. Acorn are history now, but offloading ARM in partnership with Apple and VLSI was the best decision they ever made.

We have a close relationship with ARM, not least because Hugo has worked closely with many of the people there throughout the last decade. As it happens, the maths guru behind ARM's audio CODEC libraries (with which we are soon to replace X-Audio in the car player) had his first commercial program - a game involving a ball, a track, lots of physics and some strategy - published by Hugo in, erm, 1992-ish. I was project manager, but that isn't much to boast about as it didn't sell very well, despite being utterly froody! Another programmer who contributed to that project is one Toby Duckworth.

Small world innit?


Posted by: Tim

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 21:21

In reply to:

"despite being utterly froody!"

WHOA!!! I thought only Douglas Adams used that word ;)

Posted by: debauch

Re: TinyARM - 09/08/2000 22:55

In reply to:

I just wish I'd bought some ARM shares a while ago

I did! I bought them way back and I sold them with enough profit to pay for the car into which the Empeg will be fitted :-)

Excuse my gloating, but after my previous brief foray (sp?) into the stock market, such a massive return on investment was a big surprise and probably won't ever be repeated :-(



Posted by: drakino

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 01:10

Digital is still around, aka Compaq. I am going to be working in one of there larger facilities, and theres still tons of Digital stuff around, and many of the people are still there. Compaq really didn't change much beyond names of products and such.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 05:45

I want my car stereo, wristwatch, PDA and toaster to all have ARM chips in them, I just wish I'd bought some ARM shares a while ago!

Actually, when I mentioned the ARM processor in my HP Jornada 820, Hugo said that it had the exact same processor as the empeg, except the empeg's was 30 MHz faster! Now that impresses me guys.

In order to give you an idea of how good that is, I was able to play a port of DOOM on my little Windows CE device with no problem whatsoever. I can't believe the power they are able to put into such small devices these days. Wow.

Posted by: teemcbee

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 05:53

What about some small Doom replica on the empeg? Or some other games like Tetris or something like this. (I can remember that something like this was posted already - but what was the result?)

Go my Mk2! # 080000143
Posted by: Dignan

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 05:59

Well, in the newsletters there was a small section on cool ideas for the serial and ir ports, but Rob thought the section was dumb so he took it out

Anyway, there had been thoughts of being able to put mini versions of tertis or nibbles on there and you could control it with an ir or serial joystick. I'm sure this is possible, but whether or not anyone does this is another story.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 06:00

By the way, Rob. Why'd you take the old newsletters off the site?

Posted by: teemcbee

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 06:04

Well - it wouldn't really matter. The unit itself is cool enough. But it would be a nice feature. Maybe it wouldn't be taken too serious if you could play games with it... But think about the time you always spend to waiting for your girlfriends.. (We already talked about...)

Got my Mk2! # 080000143
Posted by: rob

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 11:45

> Why'd you take the old newsletters off the site?

I didn't - they're right there in the news section.


Posted by: Dignan

Re: TinyARM - 10/08/2000 11:51

sorry, I'm dumb

dope-slap, anyone?

Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: TinyARM - 13/08/2000 08:46

Which game was that then?
Just curious... =)

(List 112, Mk2 12 gig #40. Mk1 4 gig #30. Mk3 1.6 16v)
Posted by: rob

Re: TinyARM - 13/08/2000 10:29

It was called Phaethon. Didn't sell many copies as another "steering a ball along a track" game came out at around the same time. Ours was much better, but theirs had a slightly larger ball.

It seems size is everything.


Posted by: tfabris

Re: TinyARM - 13/08/2000 11:27

Didn't sell many copies as another "steering a ball along a track" game came out at around the same time.

You wouldn't happen to be referring to my favorite all-time game, Atari's Marble Madness, would you?

Tony Fabris
Posted by: rob

Re: TinyARM - 13/08/2000 16:02

No, these are Acorn Archimedes games - we didn't get many mainstream titles! Marble Madness was also one of my favourite games, although I can't remember which platform I played it on - probably the Spectrum.


Posted by: tfabris

MM - 13/08/2000 20:12

Marble Madness was also one of my favourite games, although I can't remember which platform I played it on - probably the Spectrum.

Bah! Platform schmatform, the only REAL Marble Madness was the original arcade version. Every port I've seen stank. Of course, most of those were from 10 years ago when home hardware wasn't up to snuff. But even the one I just got for my kid's GameBoy Color is a POS.

I'm told there's a port for some of the newer game consoles like N64. I wonder if those are any good... anyone seen them?

Tony Fabris
Posted by: DrGuz

Re: MM / Phaethon - 14/08/2000 18:18

Phaethon has apparently been released from the bonds of copy restriction, and is available at http://www.acornarcade.com/features/freegames/

- Sean

Posted by: rob

Re: MM / Phaethon - 14/08/2000 18:21

Maybe someone should tell Hugo, after all he does own the copyright :-)

I doubt he'll be too upset, though - it's not like anyone actually sells Acorn software any more.

Update: I see the site says that Hugo did give permission for the game to be distributed. Oooooh, and they have Phaethon screen shots, that takes me back!


Edited by rob on 15/8/00 02:25 AM.

Posted by: altman

Re: MM / Phaethon - 15/08/2000 01:08

Yep, they asked me & I asked Paul & everyone was happy. Nothing better than a game actually being played!
