OT: Personal Portable MP3 player

Posted by: phaigh

OT: Personal Portable MP3 player - 10/11/1999 12:13

Apologies for the off-topic discussion, but I thought that people might be interested.

A 6GB personal MP3 player. Nice.



Paul Haigh, 6GB, Blue
Reg: ~4100 - Still Waiting!
Posted by: Mark Miller

Re: OT: Personal Portable MP3 player - 14/11/1999 05:28

It looks interesting but it isn't shipping yet; it holds less than all but 1 empeg model; it needs to be recharged every 8-10 hours (depending on temperature and volume level); and it doesn't have the possibility of running other apps via a robust OS. It seems directed to the portable market but it is larger than the Rio types. I suppose the 81 hours capacity (?kbps encoding rate)is for a wide selection of music but if one needs to plug it in to recharge it every day, then one should be able to feed it new tunes, too. I suspect it will be too expensive for the portable buyers (with its HD) and too limited to compete with the empeg (and other flexible mobile units). It might do better if designed for flashcard RAM use. Its nice to see more devices are coming out, though. It adds support for the technology. Thanks for the link.

Posted by: perreag

Re: OT: Personal Portable MP3 player - 14/11/1999 13:54

Seems interesting. The format of the device is good. The USB port is really good... It is supposed to start selling at a major music store next week... Wonder where and at which price ??? (around 800$, they say 80$ per playback hour and the device holds 81 hours....)