Software Upgrade

Posted by: firestarter

Software Upgrade - 16/08/2000 13:18

I have a mk1, shipped April sometime with the latest release of software beta.(at that time) What is upgrading the software going to do for me as it seems to work fine (most of the time)

Also is there a more up to date emplode as well?


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Software Upgrade - 16/08/2000 13:26

What is upgrading the software going to do for me as it seems to work fine (most of the time)

Oh my goodness, get the latest software. 1.0 is out and it's great. The link is at the top of the page here on the BBS. Getting new software is one of the best things about owning an Empeg. It's like Christmas every time they come out with a major release.

There are some important bugs in your April software that were fixed, there were many new features added, I think you even get some new visuals. I think that the "Now and Next" screen might even be new to you.

To look at exactly what's changed, look at the release notes for each release on the web site. But there's often stuff that Mike hasn't even put in the release notes.

Also is there a more up to date emplode as well?

There usually is. Always get the new Emplode first, install it first, then run the player software upgrade. In your case this is absolutely required.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: GeorgeLSJr

Re: Software Upgrade - 16/08/2000 15:29

Wow! No upgrade since April? I couldn't even imagine being out of touch with this board for a week, let alone a few months! God knows what I'd miss!

Out of curiosity, does the manual say anywhere that you should visit the website (and this board *ahem*) frequently to find out about important updates for the Empeg?

Posted by: firestarter

Re: Software Upgrade - 17/08/2000 05:32

Christmas????????? More like exam time. Revising all the manuals, all the release notes, and instructions. No I am not looking forward to it. I will be leaving it to after this weekends show also.

I do have now and next, although this is of no use to me. On the new release, is there a fast forward through a track? I do miss this from a CD player. I almost never play a whole track, and the good bits are never at the beginning.


Posted by: firestarter

Re: Which Bits? - 17/08/2000 05:39

In the page link at the top of the page there are several bits to download.

empeg car consumer software
empeg car beta software
empeg car code download
emplode pc software
car player mark 1 consumer image

Which bits if not all do I need?


Posted by: Dignan

Re: Which Bits? - 17/08/2000 05:42

I'm guessing first you'll need "emplode PC software" then you'll need "empeg car consumer software".

Although considering you haven't upgraded since April, I don' know if you'll need to step up with various versions of the beta software. Anyone remember what the first release was with that feature again?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Which Bits? - 17/08/2000 10:35

Although considering you haven't upgraded since April, I don' know if you'll need to step up with various versions of the beta software.

It states in the FAQ that you don't need to do this. The upgrades are full replacements and you don't need to incrementally upgrade to get the latest version.

Although... Rob... do you think that the downloads section could be revamped and made a little more clear for Joe Consumer so he knows exactly what he needs to download? For instance, making a big, visible, "Consumer section" with three files only: Emplode, consumer Mk2, consumer Mk1? Then the rest of the stuff could be on a different page?

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Software Upgrade - 17/08/2000 10:45

On the new release, is there a fast forward through a track?

There has always been a fast forward command- it's just only on the remote control since there aren't enough free buttons on the Mk1 front panel.

And... it's buggy on VBR files. If your files are recorded at a constant bit rate, then it works fine. But at variable bit rates, it's buggy and can't properly FF/REW. If that's what you're asking about, then the bug is still there in 1.0 and it hasn't been fixed.

The bug is in the audio processing library they're currently using. They will be switching libraries in an upcoming release. The new library will get us:

- Correct handling of VBR files including FF/REW.
- Playback of .WAV and .WMA files in addition to MP3s and MP2s.

Christmas????????? More like exam time. Revising all the manuals, all the release notes, and instructions.

I don't understand- the instructions don't change. You just install the software and get all the bugfixes and new features. I don't think there's been any changes that require changes in the manual. They've been very careful to make the changes have a minimal impact on the user interface. The worst I've seen so far is a slight re-ordering of the menu options.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: firestarter

Re: Software Upgrade - 17/08/2000 11:14

Changes to the manual? Well I have not read that in true mechanical engineer fashion, also, this will be the first upgrade to the unit since I got it, so the first attempt.

Posted by: firestarter

Re: Which Bits? - 17/08/2000 11:20

That would be good, and maybe a brief "how to load" on the same page for stupid people who cant be bothered to find all the info out for thenselves.


Posted by: Dignan

Re: Which Bits? - 17/08/2000 12:31

Forgive me for asking because I don't actually own an empeg, so I can't say for certain, but wouldn't you just follow the same procedure that's in the manual? It says in there to load emplode before connecting the player. Although I suppose you would have to assume that you should do that before every upgrade, so maybe it's a good idea after all.

Don't mind me.