New Cincinnati Meet Competition

Posted by: Laura

New Cincinnati Meet Competition - 10/06/2004 04:06

In keeping up with the Amersfoort meet, we will have a new competition of our own

Find all of the the black Jetta's with Michigan plates that you can on the way to the meet!

Why black Jetta's you ask?
Everyone seems to think that they are so popular and cool and there are quite a few out there.

Why Michigan plates you ask?
Because we don't like Michigan drivers down here and there are a bunch of them going up and down I-75 getting in our (my) way.

You must have pictures of them to count and the prize will be determined at a later date or when I feel like it

Some new rules:
They must be dated no earlier than the Friday of the meet. Points will be subtracted if the driver happens to be a blonde female but extra points will be awarded if you can prove it is a male driver and I think he's "hot"! I'm the judge so I can make up the rules.

Good luck.