MK2 quetions

Posted by: Bozo

MK2 quetions - 09/12/1999 01:36

I have read a message that MK2 will get out in March.
I have though a few questions:
- What the hell is MK2?
- How does it look like?
- Suppose I decide, when I can place my order somewhere in Feb or March, NOT to choose the MK2 instead of MK1. Do I have to start registering again?????

The bottom line: more info, please

(10438, don't laugh)

Posted by: rob

Re: MK2 quetions - 09/12/1999 03:53

Mk.2 (as in Mark 2) is a very misleading name which we have no plans to use commercially. It simply refers to the full production version of the player, which has been enhanced a little in response to customer feedback and manufacturing demands.

It looks just like the current empeg car player, but with a few enhancements. It also works just like the current player, again, with a few enhancements. Details have been discussed to death in the Tech forum so I won't start that all over again.

You won't have any choice but to buy a Mk. 2 player next year - and I can't think of any reason you wouldn't want to! I suppose if you really want a Mk. 1 then you'll almost certainly be able to pick one up secondhand.


Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: MK2 quetions - 09/12/1999 18:42

Rob --

If I understand you correctly, unless I have already been notified by empeg and placed my order, the soonest I can expect delivery will be sometime in March? And most likely later than that?

For me, personally, that's no problem. I was going to defer my purchase and wait for the "Mark II" anyway, and I must confess I was starting to get a little bit nervous about the "not-quite-ready-for-prime-time" status of the beta software -- I am not any kind of a Linux hacker. But I suspect there may be some other people in the queue who receive this news with somewhat less equanimity than I do.

I know that empeg treats this information with a secrecy that would do justice to the protection of the Crown Jewels.... but could you let us know just how far up the queue you have gotten? How many people were notifed, how many deferred, how many units were shipped?

I just hope I get as much entertainment out of my empeg (when I finally get it next summer) as I am getting from this bbs. Keep up the good work, empeg people, and also the people who have taken the trouble to post to the board. Almost 3,000 posts now, and a true wealth of useful information.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"