Need links...

Posted by: Ladmo

Need links... - 09/05/2005 11:26

I am trying to compile a list of links to software and other items, to post on my web site. If anyone cares to send some to me, it would be nice. I would also be willing to post the part(s) there to keep them all in one spot...any ideas?
Posted by: cushman

Re: Need links... - 09/05/2005 11:58

This should be done on the site so it is accessible to everyone. There is a 3rd Party software thread already started. Are you volunteering to keep this information up to date on There is also a sticky parts thread in the General forum. If we could have this information compiled on then permalink them at the top (where we have the Quick Links) that would be a good step forward.
Posted by: Ladmo

Re: Need links... - 09/05/2005 12:04

I saw the thread after my brilliant post. I was just hoping to complie a list of links, and, if the author of said software gave permission, provide a download link as well. I just swiched my hosting over to godaddy, and want to get my moneys worth...
Any suggestions?
Posted by: cushman

Re: Need links... - 09/05/2005 12:28

Any suggestions?

Yes, compile your list on your webhost and ask for reviews (layout, content, etc.). Then, after it is done ask for permission to put it on with a few other editors (like FireFox31). That way it is in a central place and we don't have to worry about you leaving us and taking your list away, too. Several people have suggested that the list be de-categorized, or loosely categorized all on one page. Short example:

Core Software (Empeg)
* Latest Player Software
* Hijack

Core Software (PC)
* Latest Emplode
* Latest jEmplode
* Tony's Logo Editor

Games for the Empeg
* empacman
* emptetris

Empeg control (PC)
* MacOSX control widget
* charcoalgrey's stylesheet
* empeg web lite

Empeg control (other)
* Palantir/Empire

Have descriptions for each and link to the main project page. I don't think a download link is needed on this page since most people can find the download link on the project page easily. Organize it like the FAQ, maybe.
Posted by: Mataglap

Re: Need links... - 09/05/2005 21:53

peter's tarball
mlord's updater
mlord's dynamic data partition resizer
mlord's smart tool
pointer to arm potato binaries for things like debugfs