Just my luck...

Posted by: time

Just my luck... - 20/07/2005 16:11

My empeg has been sitting on my desk at home for too many months, so I finally decide to put it in the dash for the ride to work this past Friday. I'm thinking, "I'll just leave it in the dash for today rather than risk it getting nab'd off the desk." As it turns out Friday ends up as one of the hottest days so far this year..

I come out at 5pm in the upper 90's. Upon opening my sealed pickup, I find that the player has been playing ALL DAY with the ignition off! The head unit powers off with the key, but the empeg isn't so consistent doing such. It had been playing continuously..

So I leap to Hijack and the temperature reads 70C / 165F degrees and then promptly yank it from the dash. OUCH! Woah, it is too hot to touch. In trying to figure how to cool it (I have no AC) holding it by the handle out in the bed of the truck didn't work--the sun still shone on it. So I settle on--with much trepidation--holding the player out the drivers window, allowing the air flow around the mirror to blast the top/sides of the player. After just a few white-knuckled, hair-raising minutes, it was cool enough to touch and after a few more minutes, I popped it in and the temperature read a much more reasonable 115 degrees. Whew. Everything powered up and played fine, but I sure don't like the thought of taking life off my player. I guess it will remain on my desk during the summer...

I gotta get that power-off problem fixed... I know...I know...it is probably in the FAQ.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Just my luck... - 20/07/2005 16:15

I gotta get that power-off problem fixed... I know...I know...it is probably in the FAQ.

Yeah, but I'll help you find exactly which entry addresses your problem.

Also, if it has a tuner, it might need the stalk_enabled=0 command as described here.

Let us know which one it is.
Posted by: time

Re: Just my luck... - 20/07/2005 16:40

Intresting. It could be the related to the latter one as I previously had a tuner/stalk installed...(but it has been transferred to my other vehicle.)

It's been a while since I've looked at my Hijack config. Thanks once again Tony!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Just my luck... - 20/07/2005 16:48

I previously had a tuner/stalk installed...(but it has been transferred to my other vehicle.)

If there is no tuner connected, then it's not the tuner signals issue.

I'm voting for the flaky AC sensor switch, especially since you said you don't normally have that player in the car, and that it doesn't consistently power off with the ignition switch.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Just my luck... - 20/07/2005 22:55

Haha, that was quite a thrill ride story:

I'll just leave it in the dash for today

Here I thought the thing got stolen.

opening my sealed pickup, I find that the player has been

Worse, stolen from the back of your truck.

OUCH! Woah, it is too hot to touch.

Cringed because I suspected that you burnt your fingers and dropped it. But the best is:

holding the player out the drivers window

After my eyes widened and I gave a quick gasp for air, I expected the next sentence to read something like: "So I pulled over, as did the Mercedes Benz CLK 55 AMG behind me whose windshield my airborn empeg had just shattered."

All that was missing was: "In trying to figure how to cool it, I reached for my 2 Liter bottle of Mountain Dew Code Red...... because I was thirsty."
Posted by: drakino

Re: Just my luck... - 21/07/2005 06:08

I've done the same thing actually, held my empeg out the drivers side window to cool it down. I'd have the occasional day at work in the summer where I forgot to pull the empeg out of the dash and put it under the seat in the shade. Usually the days I did that, I took the longer parking lot routes to get out, though I still got odd stares from coworkers driving by.

All in the attempt to try and get music before the slow drive home in traffic.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Just my luck... - 21/07/2005 08:27

All in the attempt to try and get music before the slow drive home in traffic.

Fortunately, my empeg's installed right below the air vents. So, in the summer, all I have to do to keep it cool is turn on the A/C and leave it for a while.

Generally speaking, though, I remove it from the car when parked...
Posted by: Derek

Re: Just my luck... - 21/07/2005 14:27

yeah the Focus is good for that! My empeg comes out quite cold some days.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Just my luck... - 21/07/2005 22:15

My empeg spends its days sealed in a Pelican case in the closet of my air conditioned office. When I get it back out to the car, it's literally so cold that I let it *warm up* before connecting it, lest condensation short something.
Posted by: Ladmo

Re: Just my luck... - 22/07/2005 00:04

Well after my nearly stolen empeg (that just ended up with a broken handle (Rob, did you get the email?), I don't leave it in the truck EVER! Not even when it is parked in the garage at home. I could not remember if I had taken it out or not today, and when I realized that I may have left it in, I excused my self from a meeting and went out and checked...no I had taken it in (must be an age thing). When I got back to the meeting, I found that I had 'volunteered' for two new projects...I just laughed and thought at least I'll have tunes!
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Just my luck... - 26/07/2005 22:18

I've done the same thing actually, held my empeg out the drivers side window to cool it down.

Yeah... but I've done that at ten degrees below zero! (my player is located right above the defroster ducts, and in the winter time it gets hot, whereas in the summertime it doesn't.)

Couldn't hold it out there very long, though, wasn't wearing gloves.
