trouble getting tts clock to work...

Posted by: flashman

trouble getting tts clock to work... - 07/07/2006 23:14

I am trying to get tts clock to run on car2-developer-v3.00-alpha11 without much luck...
Everything ftp'd over to the Empeg without trouble but when I try to edit the config.ini in jEmplode I get and error - something about not having a FID 2 or something... I guess I should have payed more attention to the exact error...
Anyhow the config.ini file ends up looking like this.
; ??? @EXEC_ONCE /drive0/var/ttsclock -t-5

the ??? gets added after the sync.
I running v461.hijack.mk2... anyone have any ideas for me?
also I had to add the [hijack] section into the config.ini as it was not there as the instructions had mentioned... should it have been there to begin with?

Thanks for any help.