Empeg life-span

Posted by: Alan

Empeg life-span - 25/01/2001 14:48

What do you Empeg owners guess the life span of your players to be? I've got one MK1 that has proven to be rather durable (and a virgin spare), I'm guessing 4+ years unless we start to see random hardware failures.


Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Empeg life-span - 25/01/2001 14:53

Jeeez Alan
I would hope that we get more out of the empeg than only four years...The CD head unit I am replacing lasted eight years and is still going stong (though skipping like crazy on the potholes!)....

12 GB Blue / Red MK2
Posted by: rob

Re: Empeg life-span - 25/01/2001 15:03

They should outlive CD heads, given the occassional disk upgrade as the years go by. Even the Mk.1 continues to benefit from software upgrades, with most of the new features in 1.1 being equally applicable to Mk.1 and Mk.2 players.

We get very few Mk.1's in for service (putting aside the Tosh 6Gb disk problem and the display supression problem, both of them fixed ages ago) and I suspect that if any components start to fail in the distant future it will be easily replaceable connectors.


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg life-span - 25/01/2001 15:08

The only part of the Empeg that's got any sort of limited lifespan is the hard disk. And even if it does fail, it's very easy to replace, and not particularly expensive. If you take care of the empeg (don't expose it to shocks or extreme temperatures), then the disk will last quite a long time, probably many years.

The VFD display is subject to a little bit of phosphor burn if you leave static text up for too long (My Mk1 has a faint burn spot where the Now And Next screen's time-index information is). But that's not really a lifespan issue, and you can avoid that by putting up visuals.

Personally, I plan on the Empeg being my main car stereo for many many years to come. The only reason it would go away is if something better came along. And I honestly expect that if something better does come along, it's going to be made by the Empeg team, anyway.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: ineedcolor

Re: Empeg life-span - 26/01/2001 01:56

I agree. With this investment, I can't see wanting to replace my empeg for a very long time either....unless someone comes up with a holographic video player ha ha.

12 GB Blue / Red MK2