OT: Receiver - REN?

Posted by: phaigh

OT: Receiver - REN? - 04/02/2001 09:57


I know that this is OT for the board, but I wasn't sure where else to ask:

How many REN's is a Rio Receiver connected to a phone line?



PS REN is 'Ringer Equivalence Number' and you can only have 4 on a line before it starts playing up.

Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357
Posted by: altman

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 04/02/2001 10:09

Don't think it has a REN, PNA stuff is very high impedance so you should be able to attach lots of stuff to the line. REN is more for line-powered units, otherwise they don't ring properly.


Posted by: phaigh

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 04/02/2001 10:30

Awesome - just what I needed to know.



Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357
Posted by: phaigh

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 04/02/2001 10:34

Another - final - question.

Chances of streaming from Linux? The website only mentions Windoze.



Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357
Posted by: altman

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 04/02/2001 10:59

There are a few people who have written their own servers, though I don't know of any that have actually released them publically.

We'd like to do a server and it may happen, but no guarantees as to when I'm afraid. You can still store the tunes on a samba share though, but you need a windows box to do the serving with the supplied software.


Posted by: schofiel

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 04/02/2001 14:59

Although you are right about the improper ringing, REN is a figure of merit for the indicated capacitive loading of a device (such as a modem or phone) connected to a twisted pair local loop, behind the primary socket box supplied by BT.

If a device can be connected to a phone line in the UK, then it should have a BABT approval sticker, either in the book on on the device with the REN value stated.

There is a bit of a dodgy grey area when you talk about TPL devices without a ringer feed line, though...

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
Posted by: Roger

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 05/02/2001 03:50

When I get around to it, OK?

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: phaigh

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 05/02/2001 14:22

That's what I thought.

Shame, but just keep on giving roger some caffine.

I hear pro-plus is good for that sort of thing.

As for writing our own server - is the protocol documented anywhere (or can you send it over?) - It'd guarantee a sale.



Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120
(mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254
(mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357
Posted by: altman

Re: OT: Receiver - REN? - 05/02/2001 14:37

It's not documented, no. The booting.txt file on the CD explains the boot process, and when it's actually playing music/doing searches/etc that bit is all fairly vanilla http.

The fact that the 3 people who did it already didn't have any help from us points to it being pretty easy to work out what's happening given tcpdump and some commonsense :)
