Voice recognition

Posted by: intensegravity

Voice recognition - 12/03/2001 17:58

Anyone know anything on when the voice recognition software will be out for the MKII? Been waiting forever! Wish they would hurry up.....

Eric Reed
Intense Gravity Minis

MkII Blue 090000731
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Voice recognition - 12/03/2001 18:04

It is being contracted to some company other than empeg. I believe at one point they were unsatisfied with the performance of the software and went a whole different route. VR is going to be a very difficult thing to implement, and at this point, I think most of the people here would be happy to see the rest of the stuff in v1.1 first, then wait a little longer for the VR to be done right.

By the way, I would have chastized you for not seeing this topic in several recent posts, but this being your first post and all, I'll just say wellcome to the board, and be sure to use the wonderful SEARCH and FAQs resources

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, etc.
Posted by: intensegravity

Re: Voice recognition - 12/03/2001 18:13

Ah yes well see I hadn't gotten that far yet... :) But now I have found everything I was looking for so thanx. Bad thing is when I bought the player I was under the impression (by the way the website worded it) that it already HAD VR. Imagine my dissapointment when I found out it didn't :( wahwah. hahaha. Si I have been just a bit anxious for them to release, but it's all good. I'm still loving the player. Freedom from the CD case was well worth it.

Eric Reed
Intense Gravity Minis

MkII Blue 090000731