I give up. :(

Posted by: ChrisD

I give up. :( - 30/04/2001 07:13


As much as I love my empeg, I can't deal with it anymore. A few posts, one (unsuccessful) return for repairs later and I've just come to the conclusion that it's priced a bit too high FWIW. Popping when I turn it off, hanging boot sequences, skipping and other erratic behavior when cold and hot..

Anyway, what my question to the forum is, who should I talk to about this now? Empeg? SonicBlue? Am I even going to be able to return it or should I just be attempting to sell it now.. It's still within warranty. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I'll miss mp3s in my car. :(

Posted by: mtempsch

Re: I give up. :( - 30/04/2001 08:16

Well, it's definately not normal behaviour - and since it's still in
warranty - I'd have empeg (assuming they're still the ones doing the
warranty work for units where you live (might have changed for the US))
have another go at it.

Definately talk to the guys at empeg!


Posted by: tfabris

Re: I give up. :( - 30/04/2001 08:46

Anyway, what my question to the forum is, who should I talk to about this now? Empeg? SonicBlue?

Contact information can be found here.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Alan

I never give up - 30/04/2001 10:01

Warranty only covers the player and sled I imagine. They've checked the player, what does that leave??? (If it was installed correctly)

In the time it takes to write this post I'd have found and more than likely fixed the problem. OK, parts on order worst case:)

You could probably have returned it in the first 30 days, now you'll take a big loss selling it. You've depreciated it $500.


Posted by: rob

Re: I give up. :( - 30/04/2001 10:37

We're swapping this player for a new unit. I strongly suspect install problems - this will prove it one way or the other. I know this isn't a generic S2000 install problem because our US demo car is an S2000!

Chris - did you get this professionally installed?


Posted by: tfabris

Re: I give up. :( - 30/04/2001 10:45

Chris - did you get this professionally installed?

If you click on ChrisD's name and hit "show all user's posts", you'll see his comments about the installation. There were a few people working on it. I think there's even a photo gallery documenting what they did.

Chris, when you get the replacement unit, make sure to put in the new sled, too. Don't just plug the Empeg into the old sled, install the new sled. The problems you've described sound like wiring issues, and installing the new sled is the first step in eliminating the problems.

Tony Fabris