Linux support

Posted by: BarryB

Linux support - 01/05/2001 09:58

Now that empeg's product information has been transfered to the SonicBlue/Rio site, why have the system requirements for the unit suddenly changed? And I quote:

  • Windows 98/ME /2000

  • What happened to Linux? On empeg's old site it used to mention Linux as being supported as well. Has this changed?

    Posted by: rob

    Re: Linux support - 01/05/2001 10:12

    Nothing has changed, however it is not currently possible to load an upgrade file from Linux. There are also other things you can do from emplode that you can't do from emptool. Therefore Rio Marketing consider it misleading to state that the product is Linux compatible - and they probably have a point.

    In practice lots of Linux types use it, and it is likely that such people will research the issues before making a purchasing decision.


    Posted by: tfabris

    Re: Linux support - 01/05/2001 10:16

    Perhaps a footnote on the Rio site saying that some other, unsupported tools are available for some Linux and Java-capable platforms?

    Tony Fabris
    Posted by: mcomb

    Re: Linux support - 01/05/2001 21:05

    it is not currently possible to load an upgrade file from Linux

    When did that happen? It has been a while since my last upgrade, but I thought I did 1.01 and 1.02 from linux or freebsd (I boot windows about twice a year so I would expect to remember). Wasn't there some util for this?


    Posted by: rob

    Re: Linux support - 02/05/2001 04:23

    Oops, my mistake - we ship an x86 binary upgrade tool, but no source.
