T3 Mag review of Neo35

Posted by: mardibloke

T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 06/05/2001 17:47

Noticed a review of the Neo in USA copy of T3 magazine. They really had a bad time with it, and didn't recommend it. However they really could see how handy a decent in car MP3 player would be. Shame there was no mention of the Rio Car

- --
Rod, UK Mk2 64gig Red S/No.341
Posted by: SuperQ

Re: T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 06/05/2001 18:31

never heard of T3 mag.. but as a subscriber, it's your duty to point out the Rio Car to them.. and prod Rio into sending them one for testing :)

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: mardibloke

Re: T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 06/05/2001 21:12

I believe I just did the "prod" thing

- --
Rod, UK Mk2 64gig Red S/No.341
Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Re: T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 07/05/2001 08:55

never heard of T3 mag

It's a relatively new tech magazine. Their angle kind of reminds me of a Maxim genre as they are catering to the geeks who like new cool gadgets, while placing a few pictures of hot chicks wearing/using said gadgets throughout the magazine (and on the cover). They do have some relatively good articles, and pretty decent reviews. It's worth picking up a copy and reading like I did.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 07/05/2001 09:17

I remember seeing T3 a few years ago, but it was a UK mag and cost $$$ because it was imported.

Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: mardibloke

Re: T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 07/05/2001 18:17

T3 has been available in the UK for a few years now, long enough that my subscription lapsed, still a good read now and again. The T3 copy I saw in a USA store at the weekend, looked actually written and printed for USA market. Cover price in $ etc.

- --
Rod, UK Mk2 64gig Red S/No.341
Posted by: rob

Re: T3 Mag review of Neo35 - 08/05/2001 00:26

Although a lot of T3's sister publications in the UK reviewed the car player (and borrowed our demo car) I never did send T3 a demo unit. The reason for this is that T3 (in the UK at least) have a tabloid writing style and pull things to pieces if they smell even vaguely home brew. I didn't think empeg would go down well with them, mainly because of its heritage and price.

Hopefully Rio (with major PR agency in tow) will tackle them with greater confidence.
