Confused because of noise..

Posted by: crazymelki

Confused because of noise.. - 08/08/2001 01:37


I got today my addional 20GB Travelstar HDD. It's a brand new one. I did open the bag and was shaking the disk. Now I can here some noise from inside the HDD?

I did shake a 3.5" HDD. There is no noise!

Is this normal?


Posted by: altman

Re: Confused because of noise.. - 08/08/2001 02:12

Yes, it's normal. There's something in most laptop drives that makes that rattle, maybe it's something to do with the head lock mechanism.

Toshiba even go as far to print "rattle noise normal" on top of some drives!


Posted by: crazymelki

Re: Confused because of noise.. - 08/08/2001 04:10


Thanks for the quick answer!
