Just got my tuner!

Posted by: jwtadmin

Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 10:19

Fed Ex just arrived with My tuner!

Sonic Blue still has it pending shipment!

Funny there is no Rio logo on it at all.

SN just in case we are tracking is:


I was going to do the whole take a picture of the box and contents, but I'm going out to put it in my car!


Posted by: rob

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 11:03


Let us know how the install goes..


Posted by: jwtadmin

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 11:20

Installed in about 5 min.

I left the sled in place.

During my Empeg install last year, I manuvered the antenna wire and the tuner plug so that they would be acessable through the hole in the sled.

It was a bit tight working in the sled but I was able to get the plugs connected.

Fired it up and it worked perfectly!
Now I just need to find my remote!

One feature that would be nice is auto preset loading. My home reciever has the ability to scan the whole FM range and automaticaly set all of the presets to the strongest signals.

Thanks for all of your efforts to bring this to us!!!

John T.

Posted by: rob

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 11:22

I noticed John playing around with station scanning a while ago - I don't know if that will become a 2.0 feature though.


Posted by: wvloon

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 13:50

Wow, now we're sure they do actually exist I'm sure it was worth the (extended) wait.

[jealous mode]
Just a bit curious about your queue number since my MK2 serial is lower than yours....
[/jealous mode]

[email protected]
Posted by: SuperQ

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 14:01

I got word from my roomie that mine has arrived as well.. I should have it installed tonight.. will try and take more pictures this time... w00t!*@%

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: CruzThs

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 14:12

Got mine this morning. However I won't have time to install it until this weekend.

Posted by: SuperQ

Install Pr0n - 28/08/2001 18:35

hey, i just finished installing the tuner module, it was no big deal, and I got to fix a dashboard rattle. I tooks some install pr0n.. have fun tfabris ;)


img_*.jpg are the files from the tuner, others are just other pics of the empeg's insides.

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: kazama

Re: Just got my tuner! - 28/08/2001 20:56

Alas no tuner yet but I do have this so as long as FedEx doesn't break down, a couple of days:

Dear Greg:

Your order from the SONICblue eStore has been shipped and your credit card has been charged.

Product Name Qty Ordered Qty Shipped Price
Rio Car Tuner 1 1 $ 99.95
Shipping: $ 3.95
Total: $ 103.90

Posted by: Lemmy

Re: Just got my tuner! - 29/08/2001 00:45

Dunno nuthin bout my one yet...
But what I know is that the additional 20Gig HD arrived yesterday and as I didn't think the shop would be that fast I didn't leave my wife enough $$ to accept it... Woah! less than 24 hours!!! E-commerce is working!


Posted by: rob

Re: Install Pr0n - 29/08/2001 03:46

It's interesting that the radio station you were listening to was broadcasting RDS packets - but without any data.


Posted by: muzza

Re: OT RDS display - 29/08/2001 17:29

What is the strangest RDS Message your radio station displays?

JJJ in Australia has If pain persists consult your doctor

Murray 06000047
Just increasing my post count
Posted by: flashman

Re: Just got my tuner! - 29/08/2001 18:40

Got mine.....
Painless install!!! Sweet!!!
My only problems were the manual refers to buttons on the remote that don't exist as I have the old style Kenwood remote.
So it was frustrating figuring out which button was what by trial and error.

Only two more questions....
1. When I press the DNPP button (visual chooser) I get this faint line that appears across the screen.. ???
Which leads me to my next question.....

2. How do I switch to Visuals while listening to the Radio?????
Please, Please tell me you guys did not allow for visuals and info screen switching to occur.
The RDS info is nice and i like it but, I want to be able to see my wonderfull Funnel Web while listening to the Radio.

12Gb MKII 080000516 Blue
Posted by: Ruffles

Re: Just got my tuner! - 29/08/2001 22:01

I just finished installing my Tuner and it works great. The only thing I would like to see is some type of tab with a hole in it to make it easier to secure with zip ties. The signal strength meter works great and helped me trouble shoot a loose attenna ground. I also get a faint blue line when I hold down the menu button. I figured this was just to indicate that the player is in "enter preset" mode. I'm very happy with it.

Posted by: Kit

Re: Just got my tuner! - 29/08/2001 22:24

So, my remote is broken (support is already shipping me a new one), but until this arrives is there a way to get into the tuner preset config? I couldn't find a way to do this without the remote, making the tuner difficult to navigate.

Other than that install with a breeze.



Posted by: Lemmy

Re: Just got my tuner! - 30/08/2001 04:09

done with installing 2nd HD.. the description in the FAQ area is very good...
but still no hints from my tuner??
Did empeg ship the MkII in order of serial numbers?


Mk. I Blue 4G Serial [dont remember]
Mk. II Green 6G+20G Serial 080000372
Posted by: Derek

Re: Just got my tuner! - 30/08/2001 04:27

As I understand it, software for driving the visuals while listening to the radio doesn't exist yet. The problem there is feeding the signal back into the CPU. In the Mk1 this is impossible, but the Mk2 has an ADC, so it might be possible on the Mk2. I think it is only a single channel ADC though - the guys@empeg will have to fill you in properly on all of that.

(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [for sale]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 6GB blue)
Posted by: Roger

Re: Just got my tuner! - 30/08/2001 04:52

Did empeg ship the MkII in order of serial numbers?

If you mean the serial number of the mk2, in general, yes. The serial numbers were assigned in order of construction.

However, because the batch sizes were larger, which one you get out of a batch is fairly arbitrary, meaning that you might get a number higher than the next person.

Also, a small number were sent back for reengineering, but retained the earlier serial number.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: altman

Re: Just got my tuner! - 30/08/2001 05:34

It's stereo, but isn't hooked up yet. It won't make v2.0, but may make a later v2 release.


Posted by: Ruffles

Here's a picture - 30/08/2001 11:36

He is a pictue of the tunner in action. Looks like we get AM Stereo!

Posted by: rob

Re: Here's a picture - 30/08/2001 11:53

See, I told you the tuner was great value!


Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Here's a picture - 30/08/2001 12:58

Hmmm. I'm pretty sure I remember Rob and crew promising IBF (Integrated Bombast Filter) functionality under AM, but from your pic it looks like they're taking a different approach. The only thing I can guess is that they've implemented this by piping in-phase Rush to the Right Channel and out-of-phase Rush to the Left Channel, thus providing some kind of IBF emulation.

Nifty. How *do* they do it?


Posted by: Henno

Re: Here's a picture - 30/08/2001 13:07

Has shipping into Europe/RoW started yet?

mk2 6 nr 6
Posted by: JoMo25

Re: Just got my tuner! - 30/08/2001 21:25

I just found out that FedEx shipped my 2 tuners (one for each sled) yesterday, but the windy day yesterday must have blown my notice away!

I'm gonna pick them up tomorrow. Thank God I've got the extra day this weekend to install them!

I can't wait! I do miss the radio occassionally. I find I'm not keeping up with new music as well as I used to...

Posted by: msaeger

Re: Just got my tuner! - 30/08/2001 23:25

" I find I'm not keeping up with new music as well as I used to..."

are you sure that's a bad thing :-)

32Gig MK2 In 2001 VW Golf TDI
Posted by: rob

Re: Here's a picture - 31/08/2001 01:10

No, they haven't arrived at Cambridge yet (as far as I know - I have a day off today).

I'll chase them up on Monday, but I don't think anyone's sitting on them at this stage.


Posted by: SuperQ

Re: Install Pr0n - 31/08/2001 07:55

I was trying to figure out that too.. I've only had one station show up with RDS, and there wasn't any data coming across that I could see.. I'm going to seriously play around with the tuner this weekend.. i've been moving into a new apartment so i have been driving around a pickup for 2 days.. wow was it wierd to go from a ford clutch to a VW. ;)

I noticed 2 things about the 1.3 software..

#1: the signal strength meter doesn't work
#2: the AM radio preformance sucks.. but I'm going to check the install to make sure it's not my fault.

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: trevorp

Re: Install Pr0n - 31/08/2001 08:14

Hmm, my signal strength meter works great. The big local stations always show as full strength (they should), but the smaller stations or the ones that are further away show lower strength, and even fluctuate while driving around.

My AM reception seems to works fine too, but there are VERY few decent stations here to compare with.


Mk 2, Green 12GB 080000349
Posted by: altman

Re: Install Pr0n - 31/08/2001 09:30

Is your install in a VW? If so, AM will suck unless you feed power to the antenna. VW antennas (eg, passat, beetle, golf) have a powered antenna, with an amp in the base of it. You can get an antenna power adapter which can be wired to the antenna remote line on the tuner and all will be well.


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Install Pr0n - 31/08/2001 11:00

Yeah, my signal strength meter works fine, and I get great AM radio performance. I think Hugo is right, he doesn't have power to his antenna booster. On my VW GTI, I used the amp remote line to power the antenna booster.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: SuperQ

Re: Install Pr0n - 31/08/2001 11:04

oh.. hugo, you rock.. i'll have to stop by the audio shop on the way home tonight.. arg.. it's such a pain to get to the tuner in the vw.. crapola. oh well

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Just got my tuner! - 31/08/2001 19:36

" I find I'm not keeping up with new music as well as I used to..."

Yeah, I know what you mean. Only in my case.... well, Mozart hasn't had any new releases for more than 200 years, so I only need to check the radio now and then.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: rockstar

Re: Just got my tuner! - 31/08/2001 21:21

wasn't the tuner supposed to be like $50?

Posted by: altman

Re: Just got my tuner! - 01/09/2001 02:40

Originally, yes, but that was for a FM only tuner - the same quality as the Mk1's tuner. We put a really high end tuner module into the AM/FM module, it's due to be used in the 2003 model year cars from a major US manufacturer :)

We also added stalk control, antenna control, etc.


Posted by: jwickis

Re: Install Pr0n - 01/09/2001 03:05

I have one station in my area that uses RDS the RDS icon on the empeg comes & goes even though the station comes in signal wise pretty strong. The only data they give out is station ID no messages or the like.

#695-Mk2/Green/Amber/Neon Red/Clear/Smoke-12Gig/TUNER awaiting 2.x & VR

"No buyers regret"
Posted by: SuperQ

Re: Just got my tuner! - 03/09/2001 11:18

Yes, i'll have to say.. I was _really_ impressed with the FM preformance of the tuner module, it seems to mute out portions of the signal that arn't coming in properly. even on the small 30k watt station it sounds decent.

12gig red mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Just got my tuner! - 04/09/2001 10:24

Does the audio signal coming from the tuner go through the Empeg's EQ?

Posted by: rob

Re: Just got my tuner! - 04/09/2001 10:27


..or rather, the output goes through the EQ.

Edited by rob on 04/09/01 06:28 PM.