Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2?

Posted by: BasicGuy

Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 03/05/2000 19:17

Hi Rob you said the buyer of a used empeg could get a discount if the orginal buyer didn't want to buy a mark 2. I contacted the original buyer and they said they didn't want a mark 2. So On the empeg reg I put down for the discount on the mark 2.

My question is was that all I need to do was get there permision for the discount?

Brad Graff
16gig green

Posted by: rob

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 04/05/2000 02:35

We'll make a note of the fact that you intend to buy with a discount, but the offer will be made to the original purchaser in the first instance. If they're happy to pass it to you then that's what we'll do.


Posted by: Dredd

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 04/05/2000 10:59

I think the question he's asking is... how are you going to contact the original purchaser to verify that he's passed along the discount?

e.g., if I bought unit number 666, sold it to John Doe, and moved away (no longer valid e-mail, no longer valid address), is John Doe screwed because you can't get in touch with me?

Perhaps a better plan (or more clearly spelled-out plan) might be in order. (Tip: Include "proof-of-purchase" stubs with the new units when they go out, that will solve this problem and its ilk for future issues).

Posted by: rob

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 04/05/2000 12:41

Sorry if it sounds hard line, but this offer is designed for our original clients - people who supported us by sending money to a new company for an unproven product. I think the fact that we are allowing anyone else at all to take advantage of it is a pretty good gesture, and is something that we probably wouldn't have done if it wasn't for the second-hand owners that have become such an important part of the community on this BBS.

There isn't any issue with "proof of purchase" here - we know who our original clients were and those are the people that the offer is intended for. I have always stated that the offer will only be passed to second-hand empeg owners with the express permission of the original purchaser, and I think that's a reasonable policy.



Posted by: Dredd

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 08/05/2000 11:16


First, don't take this the wrong way, because I do think you guys are being very generous with the discount's very existence.

However, I disagree with the logic you're using behind "who gets the discount".

If someone was to have bought, say, FIVE units, only used one themselves, and sold the remaining four (as investments, say, knowing they would get a higher eBay return on them or something), and they never came out of the box and never got installed and were sold "as new", then how is this functionally different from any retailer situation? When the MkII goes to retail outlets (that is the goal, right?) are the retail outlets the only people who are going to be treated as "original customers"?

In that situation the "original purchaser" didn't "support Empeg", the guy he sold it to supported empeg, albeit using the original purchaser as a middle-man.

The reason I suggested the idea of a "proof of purchase" is to demonstrate (to the buyer) whether or not the unit is being purchased "as a new unit" (with all the rights and privileges of being "an original owner") or "as a used unit" (where the seller is recognized by Empeg as the "original owner" and the new owner may not be able to take advantage of other perks down the road).

You're REALLY going to want something like this when you start selling to retailers (or when retailers simply buy them from you and resell them in their stores without any "special retailer program"). e.g., if some company buys 20 MkII's and sells them in their store, for you to treat the new owner of the unit as "a second-hand owner" is a VERY questionable customer-service call.

That's what I'm aiming at. I'm not saying that this is a solution for the CURRENT problem, but it highlights an issue that should be addressed with greater clarity for the MkII units' distribution.

Posted by: Dearing

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 08/05/2000 13:20

From what I understand, they will offer the discount by serial number of the Mark 1 Unit, not who purchased it. This means that people who bought 2 units and Ebay'ed one (like me) can keep the discount on the player they kept and choose to give up the discount on the second.
If I'm wrong about this, please correct me. If I'm right, someone (I don't remember who bought it from Fraskman) should contact me if they want a MkII.

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: rob

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 08/05/2000 14:04

If anyone has bought five units and resold four of them I'd be quite interested to know about it. To be fair to everyone waiting in the queue we have limited almost all clients to a maximum of two players. A few exceptions were granted with an assurance that the players would not be resold.

If and when we sell through distribution there will, of course, be a product registration scheme to launch the warranty and support package. I would rather doubt whether that would be managed by empeg though - we're an R&D company first and foremost - there are other parties that would be better able to support very large volumes of clients.


Posted by: rob

Re: Rob I have a question about the Discount on the mark2? - 08/05/2000 14:08

You will be offered two discounted Mark 2 players. It's up to you whether you buy two yourself, or pass one of the discounts to the person who bought your second player (if they want it).


Posted by: Scott on the Mark 2? - 09/05/2000 04:32

Speaking on behalf of the "second hand" empeg owners who will be taking advantage of the Mark 2 upgrade offer:

Will we be notified when the offer is sent out to the original owners? Perhaps a CC: could be included for the "second hand" owners who registered for the Mark 2 upgrade (in the cases where the original owner is passing on their offer).

Scott (00342)
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: on the Mark 2? - 09/05/2000 06:26

it's sticky.. i got mine in the box.. unopened from someone lucky enough to buy too. I got it at the price he paid. Really he acted as an enabler for me to get one since my number was high. I really enjoy my unit and I have gotten a lot of use out of it. I want to get a Mark 2 unit obviously. I have to now just hope that the person wants to pass the Mark 2 discount / place in queue to me , rather than pass it to another indiviual. I think the guy is fair , but the EMPEG is HOT , and i might get thrown out of the loop.

*fingers-crossed empeg owner*

Empeg Kicks Ass
S/N 00203