strange happening with my empeg

Posted by: ithoughti

strange happening with my empeg - 31/08/2001 15:06

Hmmm... strange. Ok, today I was driving along listening to the empeg on random (this is what I do most of the time) It was on song 224/1142 about midway through the song. I got to where I was going, turned off the car, and went inside. When I turned my car on again, the empeg started playing song 214/1142 about midway through. It took me a second to figure it out, but I was quite surprised to see this. Has anyone else seen this happen before?

mk.II 12G amber

Posted by: beaker

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 31/08/2001 15:24

Yes, this exact thing happened to me last week After stopping to visit Costco, it skipped back must have been about 20 tracks or so at a guess. I thought it was really strange too. I've had the player since around October last year and this is the only time it's done it. I thought I was losing my marbles .

Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 31/08/2001 15:44

This is covered in a recent thread in Bug Reports:

déja vù: empeg plays the same song twice

This question has officially now been asked frequently, so I'm going to FAQ it.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: beaker

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 31/08/2001 16:01

I've often had it forget the exact position within a track after powering down but I've never had it skip back any tracks, particularly as many as this. I didn't think it was the same problem.

Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 31/08/2001 17:35

I've often had it forget the exact position within a track after powering down but I've never had it skip back any tracks, particularly as many as this. I didn't think it was the same problem.

It isn't the same problem.

Currently, it can't remember its exact position within Variable-Bit-Rate files. This bug will be fixed when version 2.0 of the software is released, as it will use a more VBR-friendly decoding engine.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: beaker

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 01/09/2001 03:37

I knew about the VBR problem (the vast majority of my files are VBR), I just thought that the 'not enough time to write before there isn't enough power left' problem gave exactly the same symptoms. I thought it would just lose it's position within the track it was playing. I wasn't aware that it would forget which track it was on. I'm surprised the player doesn't store the FID of the current track after a few seconds of playing it. Anyway, it's only happened to me once in almost a year so it isn't a major hassle.

Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)
Posted by: altman

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 01/09/2001 04:11

This will be fixed in 2.0, as in it will save state when it enters standby mode as well as on total power loss; this should mean that mk2 owners who don't pull their units out of the dash when the unit is on (display on) should never see this problem.


Posted by: beaker

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 01/09/2001 04:45

Good to know - thanks Hugo. mmm... can't wait to get my hands on 2.0 and of course the Tuner .

Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)
Posted by: silvercas

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 01/09/2001 15:26

yes this started happening to me when I upgraded to 1.03.. thought it was my player

Posted by: ithoughti

Re: strange happening with my empeg - 02/09/2001 08:53

Well thanks for the feedback. I suspected that the reason that it skipped back was that it didn't have enough time to save its position. Glad to know its not a hardware problem.

