Just got my spare...

Posted by: cwillenbrock

Just got my spare... - 31/10/2001 14:07

...and wanted to congratulate the Empeg team once again on a wonderful product (now that I have a remote again, I can access the rest of the wonderful new features in 2.0 that I couldn't before). I'm looking forward to a final release of the 2.0 software.

Quick question. On the Mk2a units, is the serial number this 9... number I see on the box (I'm used to numbers that start with 9) or is it the 3... number I see on the player?

In other news, I got a shipment confirmation today of my spare Rio remote control that I ordered a week before I ordered the player.
Posted by: altman

Re: Just got my spare... - 31/10/2001 17:36

Thanks (from all of us!) :)

The serial number is MMYYNNNNN - where MM/YY are month and year. 0900 players were made (well, the main PCBs were made anyway) in september 2000.

Posted by: tms13

Re: Just got my spare... - 01/11/2001 03:30

The serial number is shown when you select "About" from the main menu.
Posted by: BartDG

Re: Just got my spare... - 01/11/2001 04:13

Yup, also receive my spare this week. I also want to thank the makers of this great piece of hard- and software that has changed the way I listen to music forever.
A real shame SonicBlue didn't see it that way, but this point has been beaten to death so I won't make any further comments on it.

Also, a small question : I haven't tried this yet (the second unit is still in the box), but is it possible to use ONE version of Empload with both the units? I'm asking this because I had to fill in the serial# in a field when I installed Empload, and I'm just wondering if Empload checks this number each time a player gets hooked up to it.
Posted by: peter

Re: Just got my spare... - 01/11/2001 04:23

I'm just wondering if Empload checks this number each time a player gets hooked up to it

If it did that we'd never get anything done round here...

Posted by: BartDG

Re: Just got my spare... - 01/11/2001 04:35

good point...