Decision needed

Posted by: thinfourth2

Decision needed - 02/11/2001 14:31

Okay guys my bank balance is in your hands
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Decision needed - 02/11/2001 14:34

There's no way to pick more than one!
Posted by: loren

Re: Decision needed - 02/11/2001 16:40

and it depends... what's your sub/amp setup now?! I'd go for upgrading sub and amp if you have none or a non-noticeable one. 'Tis a tough decision though.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Decision needed - 02/11/2001 20:43

I bet that in two years you'll still be able to buy a sub.
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Decision needed - 03/11/2001 10:11

okay guys the empeg is edging into the lead but there is on problem sone one tell my girlfriend what i could buy that does the same as an empeg.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Decision needed - 03/11/2001 11:24

I would say if you can't afford either don't buy either credit cards are expensive

can I be a member of the Insta-Poll Victims' Network ? :-)
Posted by: muzza

Re: Decision needed - 03/11/2001 13:34

There are things that do the same thing as the empeg, and cheaper too. There is nothing on the market that does what the empeg does, as easily and as well.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Decision needed - 03/11/2001 13:45

tell her you have to buy 30, 10 disk cd changers to do the same thing as the empeg. what's one of those cost two to three hundred USD.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: Decision needed - 03/11/2001 20:20

buy a spare empeg that i can't afford

Uhhh this is the correct answer, cmon guys you knew that.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Decision needed - 03/11/2001 23:05

msaeger: can I be a member of the Insta-Poll Victims' Network ? :-)

IPVN is dedicated to seeking redress for the countless citizens who have fallen victim to the involuntary reflex of thwacking their foreheads (often accompanied by a loud "D'Oh!") with their wrists when they hear a supposed NEWS organization solicit consumers to participate in a "non-scientific" poll. Of course, the news outlet will then publicize the results of this so-called "poll" without regard for the well-being of sensitive citizens who understand that the "poll" is just so much hooey.

IPVN class-action plaintiffs can usually by recognized by the deep, purple, lateral bruise on their foreheads.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Decision needed - 04/11/2001 01:18

I can't believe that one is ahead of the Sub in the poll.

What good is a spare empeg (or a first empeg for that matter) if you don't even have a sub to listen through?
Posted by: altman

Re: Decision needed - 04/11/2001 02:39

I'd say be sensible; yes, you won't be able to buy an empeg from us when they've all run out, but I'm sure you could probably pick one up on ebay if you ended up *really* needing one - like if yours got stolen (knowing ebay, you might even be able to buy your own one back...)

It might not be pristine, and having a hot-spare is nice, but unless yours gets stolen it's unlikely to become damaged beyond repair (ie, nothing a new HDD or new display won't fix)

Posted by: rob

Re: Decision needed - 04/11/2001 08:43

Hugo, what kind of a sales pitch is that?!

Posted by: jwickis

Re: Decision needed - 04/11/2001 09:39

It's really a trick question can't have one w/o the other...but times being as they are the first one is the correct one.
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Decision needed - 04/11/2001 10:08

Hugo, what kind of a sales pitch is that?!

Honest. Oxymoron like that can be found only with you, guys! (I do remember recommending to a customer cheaper version of a product we were selling, but only because I guessed they didn't have budget for the more expensive one, so this does not qualify.)
Posted by: peter

Re: Decision needed - 05/11/2001 04:02

Hugo, what kind of a sales pitch is that?!

I think it's a "greatest good of the greatest number" issue... 3000 people with one empeg each add up to much more amortized overall worldwide listening pleasure than 1500 people with two each.
