2.0b3 saved my sanity!

Posted by: kazama

2.0b3 saved my sanity! - 14/11/2001 07:41

Long ago when I started playing with DisplayServer and didn't backup my MP3 files, I had problems with the installs of DS which totally messed up my playlists. The files were saved but the playlists ended up in the following track order on all my albums 2-4-6-8-1-3-5-7-9-etc. My major project was to re-name all the titles of songs back into track order and re-load them into 1.03.

In 2.0b3 there is an option to sort your playlist by Track # which it pulls from the MP3 tag. What whould have taken days to convert over 3500 files took a little over an hour with the new software and all albums are back in track order. You can also sort by 20 other options in the MP3 tag of your files and just is a handy tool. Thank You for this much needed addition!!!!!
