Keeping tracks in album order?

Posted by: MisterBeefhead

Keeping tracks in album order? - 10/01/2002 22:50

Hello all...
I just recieved my 20gig (YAHHOOO!!) and I have a newbie question. Is there an easy way to keep my mp3s in album order without having the track number in the filename? The track numbers are on the tags, but the filenames are just the track names. Clearly I could manually drag each song into Emplode in the correct order, but I'm hoping there's an eaiser way. Thanks in advance!
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 10/01/2002 22:52

If you have the track number in the ID3 tag, you're good to go. I think that it orders them that way by default, but, if not, you can use the ordering button (the up/down arrows with the letters) to order by track number.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 10/01/2002 22:55

I haven't found one because if you don't put the track number in the file name windows just puts the files in alphabetical order and as far as I know emplode still just puts the tracks in the order you place them

unless that has been fixed in one of the betas
Posted by: MisterBeefhead

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 10/01/2002 23:01

>>use the ordering button (the up/down arrows with the letters) to order by track number.

That's what I was hoping, but it appears to only offer sorting by other criteria.
Posted by: kojak71

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 10/01/2002 23:53

You can change the playlist order within empeg, by selecting the album and in the main window, right click, select set playlist order and sort by Track# , and sync.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 11/01/2002 03:12

Actually, Windows doesn't put the files into alphabetic order. I had to actually write code to sort them.

If you've got your track numbers filled out correctly in the ID3 tags, you can use the "Set Playlist Order" button/menu option to sort the playlists into track number order.

I'd recommend putting the track numbers in the filenames. This means that they're in the right order for other applications, also.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 11/01/2002 08:04

in windows 2000 if I choose arrange icons - by name it sorts them in alphabetical order
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 11/01/2002 10:23

If you have the track numbers already in the tags, then a quick squirt through MP3 Tag Studio can re-name all the files based on the tags. At that point you can choose to have the track number be part of the file name.
Posted by: MisterBeefhead

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 11/01/2002 10:30

I had no idea how powerful of a tool mp3 tag studio was. My problems have been solved. Many thanks!
Posted by: Roger

Re: Keeping tracks in album order? - 11/01/2002 10:57

Yeah, but if you pick them up and drop them into emplode, they're in arbitrary order. They're also not stored in alphabetic order on the actual disk.