Need help with new unit

Posted by: Muzzy

Need help with new unit - 18/01/2002 14:28

Hello. I have just purchased a new 12 gig Empeg unit.

I have installed the windows software (emplode), and I am unable to connect to the empeg player over ethernet, usb or serial. The player never shows up in the "select player" menu.

When I plug the unit into the AC adapter, a single LED on the front panel blinks twice and then turns off. No other lights come on, and none of the buttons appear to do anything. The only other activity I can see on the unit is when I plug in an ethernet cable and the link light activates.

None of the remote control buttons appear to have any effect either.

Am I doing something wrong?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Need help with new unit - 18/01/2002 14:34

Oh, boy, now we've got both a "Muzza" and a "Muzzy" on the BBS. Telling you guys apart will be fun.

Based on your description, it sounds like your player might be DOA. Please contact support.

Just for the heck of it, you might want to see if installing an upgrade fixes the problem. Maybe it's something as simple as "this player never got a kernel flashed into it".

While you wait for a resolution, take some time to skim through the rest of the FAQ, especially the sections about preparing your MP3 collection for the player.

Congratulations on your new toy, sorry it didn't work right out of the box.
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Need help with new unit - 18/01/2002 14:39

No Rio logo or other activity on the screen at all?

Connect the empeg serial port to your computer and start up a terminal/commo program (for instance Hyperterminal in Windows) against it, so we may see what it does/doesn't do when booting. The parameters are 8N1, no flow control.

Posted by: njdboy

Re: Need help with new unit - 18/01/2002 14:51

You problem may be DOA, but mine also wasn't detecting in emplode either, until I had the usb already in the empeg and connected to my pc when I booted up the empeg. I hope it works out, you will love it once it is running.
Posted by: Muzzy

Re: Need help with new unit - 18/01/2002 15:14

No, no rio logo or anything. I guess this is DOA. I've contacted support. I'll wait to hear more from them.

Now that this has been discontinued, what are my chances of getting it fixed? Will I end up with a refurbished unit, or will they repair my broken unit?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Need help with new unit - 18/01/2002 15:53

Now that this has been discontinued, what are my chances of getting it fixed? Will I end up with a refurbished unit, or will they repair my broken unit?

Assuming your unit is DOA, they will fully honor its warranty and they will repair it. Don't worry, they are really good (fast) about it and they pay shipping.