How do you know if you have M2/2a

Posted by: Elite M3

How do you know if you have M2/2a - 24/01/2002 16:26

I just received my 10GB player and I was wondering how I would know if I had a Mark2 or Mark2a unit? My serial number is: 40103714

Mark1: #00018
Mark2x: #40103714
Posted by: rob

Re: How do you know if you have M2/2a - 24/01/2002 16:29

You have a Mk.2A.

If you had a Mk.2 it would say "empeg", there would be no mention of Rio, and the serial number would be somewhere under 1000.

Posted by: jlira

Re: How do you know if you have M2/2a - 24/01/2002 16:51

so all the riocar's have the extra memory?
Posted by: tonyc

Re: How do you know if you have M2/2a - 24/01/2002 17:12
