what did i do?

Posted by: darwin

what did i do? - 30/01/2002 17:35

I had installed 2.07b developer edition and hijack 156, and this morning I was able to add files using both ftp and hypertermimal, specifically trying to get VNC to work. I must of done something wrong, because I wasn't able to get emplode to restart my empeg, so I ended up reinstalling the 2.07b dev firmware and hijack to clear out my player. Now when I access the player via ftp or hyper term, everything is read only.

I think I just need the command to type in at the bash prompt to make my drives writable again, right?

thanks for your replies
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: what did i do? - 30/01/2002 20:07

Everything sounds normal to me. When you restart your player the filesystem is mounted Read-Only.

Using your FTP client, just issue a SITE rw command and start transfering.
