Help with search..

Posted by: jeds

Help with search.. - 08/02/2002 18:10

Ok, i've looked everywhere for the anwser so hopefully I did not miss it in the FAQ.

The problem is this, when I search from the remote by track title or artist it displays the lists of tracks that it finds. When I scroll down to the one I want and hit 'Ok' it highlights like it took my key press then goes right back to playing whatever it was playing.

What am I doing wrong? I thought after upgrading to b11 maybe the problem would go away, but since it has not I need help to figure out what I need to 'reset' or what setting I need to change.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Help with search.. - 08/02/2002 18:19

You might want to Click Here.
Posted by: jeds

Re: Help with search.. - 08/02/2002 18:23

Ok, I feel like a complete dork now..

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Help with search.. - 08/02/2002 18:28

I feel like a complete dork now.

Don't, it's no big deal. The fact that it's in the FAQ means that everyone pretty much misses it the first time. And it's OK if you didn't find it when you looked at the FAQ because there's a lot of information there and it's easy to miss.

Now, if you'd posted the question without looking at the FAQ in the first place, then we'd be all over you.