change a gif into a bootup animation? huh?

Posted by: thedarkbat

change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:17

if anyone can tell me the secret to doing this i would really appreciate it. thanks
Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:23

for now you'll need an app that can save out the gir's frames one by one. I've been using ImageReady and Photoshop, but i'm sure there are some freebies out there that will do this.

Unless you can talk Mike S into getting JAnimEdit to auto import the gifanim frames as JAnimEdit frames.... which would ROCK....
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:26

ya ive been doing it that way too.. i know there is a program somewhere i just ahvent looked that will export frame by frame on a gif animations ie. 001.gif, 002.gif, 003.gif, ect. ill find it.. i know its on tucows somewhere or that will speed the process up a bunch
Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:30

Yeah, i should have looked for it last night... saving out frame by frame in Photoshop is a pain in the arse. I can't believe imageready has an "import folder as frames" but not an export.
Posted by: thedarkbat

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:31

well i guess i have the seperating thing down pat but how to import them into janimedit? i apologize i am really new at doing this and not to mention a little confused.
Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:38

just use the "open frame image" command in the Animation Editor. I think it's in the File menu.
Posted by: thedarkbat

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 18:43

man am i dumb. thanks. i didn't even try that!!! i feel better now though. thanks again

also i might want to add that there are a bunch of newbies out there that would like to do more of this stuff cause its fun. if there was a section devoted to this it would be the most rockenest(not a word). we could actually share how cool we really are.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 20:08

It's on my list ... don't worry ... Maybe this will show up in 31.

Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 21:41

Man, between you and Mark, it's like having a new toy every day. Thanks a ton for all your work. If you're into Star Wars games lemme know. =]
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 22:06

> If you're into Star Wars games lemme know. =]

Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 22:11

Loren works for LucasArts, you see...
Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 22:14

yeah, forgot to mention that. Wow, i've been pimpin' that angle hard today haven't I. Sucks that all i can offer in the hookups dept. is Star Wars garb. Hah.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 22:25

That's too cool ... What do you do at LucasArts? Did I mention that Sam n Max, Day of the Tentacle, Maniac Mansion, Indiana Jones, and all there delicious friends are the best games ever made? <shameless-begging>I'm totally up for free LucasArts stuff Pick your feature...</shameless-begging>

Aren't there some folks who work on Everquest floating around the Empeg BBS too?

Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 22:37

I'm an animator... working on a new original title to be announced at E3.

Actually, i just today came across free copies of Grim Fandango and Full Throttle . PM me your address and they're yours if you want 'em. Do you have any consoles?
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 18/03/2002 23:25

</off-topic> (moved to PM)
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 19/03/2002 00:27

So 31 ended up being bug fixes, but maybe it will end up in _32_ (assuming I don't have more bugs, which of course I don't!!)
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 19/03/2002 00:43

wooohooo thanks mike your a pal.. ill be keeping my eues open for that.. once i can import animated gifs.. im going to be doing some major creating.. becuase i can make them in imageready faster than in ur editor (no offence)
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 20/03/2002 08:20

Just to keep this thread current, the latest jEmplode (32) can import GIF animations .. It has to be 128x32 and you have to get the palette set right. It will automatically look for non-unique frames and set them up as a sequence properly.

Posted by: thedarkbat

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 21/03/2002 22:45

awesome you guys are gods. all of you.
Posted by: mandiola

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 21/03/2002 23:18

Loren, know if there is a Rogue Sphere II like on GC for the pc? Or anything like it for the ps2? I didnt like the new jedji starfighter for ps2 much.


p.s. know of any openings for jobs? hehe
Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 00:57

not that i know of... but i don't keep track of our star wars games much. heheh.

I worked on the first Starfigther for PS2, and the new "Jedi" version is the same thing with some cool new effects and two player thingies. Not much of an improvement. The animation and cutscenes however, are lightyears better.

All of the job openings in the company are posted on the website, so i wouldn't have any inside tracks. I can do referals though....
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 12:49

I bought the Star Wars pod racer game the other day, and I was so ticked off that it was not compatible with Windows XP. :-( I wanted to play it so badly with my force feedback joystick. *sniff*

Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 12:51

I was so ticked off that it was not compatible with Windows XP

I think you got that backwards: the proper way to word that statement is: "I was so ticked of that Windows XP was not compatible with the game."

See, the game was written before XP came out... if the OS won't run the game, thats the fault of the OS for not being backwardly-compatible.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 12:57

Is backwardly-compatible a word?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 13:03

Everyone run, it's the grammar police!
Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 13:04

Hide your children!
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 13:12

Well, Windows XP has a backwards compatibility mode that lets you select 95, 98, Millenium, NT, and 2000 emulation for a particular program. Nothing seems to work. The pod racer star wars game is the only game I haven't been able to get going. Even Maniac Mansion works, and that was well before Windows even existed. Pfft.

It just seems to me, that if it is truly a Direct X game, then it should not be bugged by OS. As it is, the piece of history was that Windows NT did not have the latest directX editions to run most games, and during that time period, game companies blocked games from running under NT kernels. This is what I'm suspecting.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 13:16

It wouldn't happen to be this problem, would it?;en-us;Q307091

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 13:27

I was logged in as the administrator. Beats me why episode 1 racer is in that list because it simply didn't work. :-/

Posted by: loren

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 14:55

try calling LucasArts support. I can't remember if it's a free call or not... i sorta doubt it, but it's on the back of the box i'm sure.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 15:31

Also see if the items on this page can help.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 15:37

wow...FAQing to other sources...
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 16:07

i wouldnt expect anything else from the faq master himself
Posted by: mschrag

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 22/03/2002 17:20

Don't you mean "Hide you're childs its the grammar police!"?
Posted by: mandiola

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 23/03/2002 22:37

Strange.. I have podracer working fine on my winXP box... (windows xp pro). What problems are you running into? installing or running it?
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 12:07

Strange. I installed it just fine, however, when I run it, it exits immediately.

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 12:14

The catch-all in the lucasarts faq is: "To be able to run Racer, you must have Windows 95 or 98 as your operating system ..." so as I am running XP I am an unsupported operating system.

My system is different from the norm because it has a multiple monitor with multiple graphics card setup. The game refuses to run with either monitor as primary. My system also has a CD-ROM/burner and a DVD-ROM and some games seem to prefer particular drive letters. The game refuses to work from either cd drive. I returned the game. :-(

I looked at other Lucasarts games and I think all the star wars line of games require 95 or 98. :-( It makes me wary to buy any more until they're ready for XP.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 12:31

I have a hunch that the multi-monitor thing is more likely to kill a game than XP specifically. I've seen plenty of games which refuse to run on any multi-monitor setup, regardless of the OS.

Just for the heck of it, try temporarily disabling one of the graphics adapters in the device manager, then see if the game runs.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 12:41

I remembered trying it. I tried both graphics cards separately (software-wise anyway, I did not unplug them from the motherboard, as this would be too much trouble for a game).

At some point I may try some other lucasarts star wars games, but I ended up purchasing Deus Ex. I'm almost to the end of System Shock 2. After Deus Ex, I'm going to get The Longest Journey. After that, I'll consider another Lucsaarts game.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 12:52

I got bored of Deus Ex a few levels into it...
Posted by: drakino

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 14:09

I got bored of Deus Ex a few levels into it...

I considered that an awesome game from last year. It did start a bit slow, but after that I was hooked on it until I finished it.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 25/03/2002 15:16

I would say (also having multi-monitors) that a lot of older Direct X games can not handle having multi-monitors. You have to completely disable the monitor. Just switching primary and secondary. They get confused. I have 2000 and have experienced this several times with the games written for older version of direct X. I even have some related errors with playing Sims. But Diablo II seems to handle it right.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: change a gif into a bootup animation? huh? - 28/03/2002 11:56

Diablo 1 has no issues either. Pod racer is the only one I had any problems with so far.
