
Posted by: visuvius

Ethernet - 23/03/2002 14:27

this might be a dumb question, but...

i'm using XP and can't use USB, i've come to terms with this and have moved on. So i use ethernet, but every time i wanna connect the Empeg, i have to disconnect from my DSL modem, and then plug the Empeg directly into the ethernet card using the crossover cable. This is a pain in the ass. Can i install a second ethernet card, and just hook the empeg up to that, or will that end in a catastrophe of some sorts?

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Ethernet - 23/03/2002 14:29

Second ethernet card will work. Of course so will putting your modem on a router and using a hub for all your machines/empeg.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ethernet - 23/03/2002 14:30

You could do that. Depending on how your DSL is set up, you could also just get a hub. In fact, if your DSL is set up in such a way so that your sole IP address is assigned to your PC, I'd suggest getting some sort of firewall/router device anyway, for network security's sake, and then you definitely can do what I suggest. In fact, most of those firewall/router jobs have a small hub built right in.